First Look: Infiltration

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She and her friends are now on a mission to hunt down all the council members and make them pay for what they did. After spending 5 months with the terrorist organization, the Circle of Cavan, she understands how they operate and can hunt them down more easily. She learns that even old dogs can learn new tricks as she comes to realize that nothing is ever easy when it comes to the Circle. Ela’s mission is clear, she must track down the council members before they implement their master plan. The master plan they needed her for. The master plan they used her for. The master plan that may change the course of the whole world if it isn’t stopped. Ela has to struggle with a couple major decisions. One, does she want to go back to the Circle? She felt like she belonged there, like she was wanted there. Or, who to choose? Alex or Tyler? Boy trouble, mixed with family trouble, all while trying to save the world and the ones she loves. Ela has a lot on her plate. While most seniors have to worry about college applications and Prom, Ela has to worry about saving the world from World war 3 and living to see graduation. Well, that’s the life of a Gallagher Girl.

I walked around the campus of Cambridge University taking in the sights. It was a spectacular campus and it was in Europe, meaning I could take weekend trips over to Paris. Although, I haven’t yet decided if College is exactly where I want to go. Any, and every, spy agency in the U.S, and rest of the world, already wants me apart of their team. Along with that schools are already begging for my entrance with my exceptional SAT and ACT scores as well as my plentiful extracurricular activities. I drowned out the speaking of the man. I already knew every fact there was to know about the school. I knew more than I actually wanted to know. I gave my mom and quick look before looking back at the man, giving him a quick nod and soft smile before turning back to look at the scenery.

“I hear that Cambridge has a wonderful law program. Ela here has always dreamed of becoming a Lawyer.” My mom said happily. “Isn’t that right Ela?” She said causing me to look at her.

“That’s right.” I replied with a warm smile and a slight nod.

“Well here at Cambridge…” He started before I toned him out again. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be here. This is way to prim and proper for me. Like wow. It’s a bit too fancy for even my high taste. Although I’m pretty sure I would be just fine going to a normal state college anywhere in the U.S. I’m cool with that. I’ll be able to have a normal life, with a normal college experience and be happy. I wouldn’t have anyone trying to kill me and I wouldn’t be going on missions. I would be studying a simple major and living my life as a normal person unless I so decide otherwise.

“Would I be able to walk around alone for a little bit?” I asked looking at them.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” He said looking worried.

“Oh I think it would be perfect. It would give her a feel for the campus, see how she likes it.” My mom said smiling.

“Ok fine. Meet us back by the cafeteria.” He said before walking off. I walked to the library which is normally locked. I slid the key card I took off him and waited.

“I’m here, sorry I’m late. My tour guide was resistant.” Jade said walking up to me. I smiled at her before sliding my card into the key hold and opening the door.

Hey guys, so yes. This is the first look at the last book in the Undercover series. It's uploaded already so GO CHECK IT OUT. Go to my profile and click on it. The first chapter is so great. Can't wait for you guys to read it. Thanks for reading. Love you guys :)

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