Well, I Guess This Is Goodbye.

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The warmth of Luke’s hand on mine was indescribable. The amount of comfort I felt from this small gesture flooded my body. I looked over at him taking in the features of his body that I wouldn’t see… ever again. I shook my head gently. I didn’t want to think about that right now. I didn’t want to think about never seeing him again. By the end of the day I’ll be home and he’ll be back on tour. We’d be separated forever.  I really didn’t want to think about it. Right now Luke and Ana we’re having an intense argument about with Harry Potter was better. Luke was saying that the first one was the best, and Ana says the last one was the best. I smiled slightly at the sight. Every once in a while he’d yell at a car in front of him for ‘driving like a jackass’. He has terrible road rage.

He shouldn’t even be here right now. He should be back on his tour bus driving to his next location, but he insisted on driving us to the airport. I’m glad he did too. I get to stare at him and hold his hand for a while before having to let him go forever. This week has been one of the best most unbelievable weeks of my life. Who else gets to say they hung out, and made out, with a celebrity for a whole week? I do. I just don’t want it to end. I didn’t think I would end up liking him so much. I thought this could be a little fling that I could forget when I got home, but I already know that I won’t be able to. Ugh. As we pulled into the airport Ana and Luke decided that Luke won the argument with the fact that everyone was still alive in the first movie, that especially being Snape and Dobby. Luke parked the car and helped us with our luggage. We walked into the airport and he took us through until he could go no more.

“I’ll wait for you over there.” Ana whispered before walking away, I simply nodded.

“I, um…” I started but he cut me off with a hug.

“I don’t want you to go.” He said squeezing me. I relaxed and hugged him back tighter.

“I don’t want you to go either.” I said into his chest. I sat there breathing in his sweet scent, not wanting to let him go. He pulled out just enough that we could look at each other.

“Sophia, the time I’ve spent with you has been… magnificent, breathtaking, stunning, and every other similar adjective. I just don’t want it to end. I really like you and I’m not exactly sure how you feel about me…” He was tripping over words.

“I like you too, Luke. When I first met you, I never thought I’d end up liking you so much, but I do. I like you a lot. And it pains me to go because I know I’m never going to see you again and the memory of this week is slowly going to vanish as we live our separate lives. You’re going off on tour and I’m going back to high school in a month. I hate to think that in a month this, us, is going to be a distant memory in both of our minds. I hate to think that we’re going to forget about each other.” I said as tears threatened to fall.

“No, Sophia. Don’t even think that. I’m never going to forget you. You showed me how to be my old self again. You showed me that it’s ok to be a little nerdy. You let me feel again. I was becoming so numb. So numb to the world. My world. In my world we just use people and nobody really has feelings anymore. Nobody cares. You cared. And you showed me how to care again. Sophia, you changed me. And I know that’s a lot to say about a person that you’ve only know for a week. It’s just that I feel like I’ve know you for my whole life. I feel like we’ve been friends since we were babies. I don’t know. There’s just something about you I feel…” His blabbered on.

“I feel it too.” I said as tears escaped my eyes. “If you promise to never forget me, I promise I won’t forget you.” I said wiping tears from my eyes.

“I, Luke Aaron Collins, promise I will never forget you, Sophia…” He stopped and waited for me to say the rest of my name.

“Catalina Reyes.” I said laughing.

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