I'm not a public speaker!

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Well, the paparazzi know who I am. They’ve been following me around for the past week. For the past week I’ve been avoiding both Luke and Nash. Ugh. Boys! Avoiding Luke didn’t really work, since the whole world thinks we’re dating. His manager contacted me and told me that I have to do an interview to clear everything up. An interview? I can speak in front of people. No matter. The interview is today. And by today, I mean in the next couple minute. Oh boy. I paced around the mini dressing room they put me in. Luke is here somewhere, since we’ll be doing the interview together. I’m not a public speaker. I can’t do this. I’m socially awkward and I’m more than likely going to embarrass myself. I heard the door open and my heart started speeding up. Until I saw it was Luke

“Hey.” He said smiling

“Hi.” I said shyly.

“How you feeling?” He asked closing the door.

“Terrified.” I replied nonchalantly.

“Don’t be. I do these things all the time. They’re nothing.” He said shrugging.

“You also get up on stage and sing in front of thousands adoring fans.” I said crossing my arms. “I sit in a classroom learning about standard deviation.” I added.

“Good point.” He said slowly.

“I’m full of them.” I retorted.

“You’re going to be fine.” He said walking towards me.

“I’m not a public speaker Luke.” I said shaking my head. “You are. This is your comfort zone. I’m barely able to talk in front of my class.” I said backing away from him.

“They’re going to love you!” He said grabbing my hand.

“I’m awkward. I’m going to embarrass myself.” I said looking up at him.

“And then they’re going to see that you’re actually human and they’re going to love you even more.” I said smiling.

“But I’m normal. I’m not a celebrity or anyone really special. I’m just a normal girl.” I said biting my lip.

“Yes. A normal girl, who is going to turn into America’s sweetheart because you are adorable, sweet, and funny. They are going to love you, I swear.” He said laughing.

“You really think so?” I asked.

“You think I would make you do this interview if I didn’t?” He asked.

“Yes! Because you’re evil.” I said taking my hand from his.

“Wow Soph. That was harsh!” He said acting hurt.

“Save it for someone who cares! You’re making me talk in front of the whole of America you little asswipe!” I said hitting his chest.

“You’ll get over it. It wont be that bad!” He said smiling.

“You don’t know that!” I replied..

“And I’ll be right beside you the whole time. And I’ll take you out to eat after.” He said bribing me.

“Ooh! Food. Chinese?” I asked excited.

“Anything you want.” He replied.

“Ok. One interview wouldn’t hurt.” I said smiling. We heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Luke called out. A lady with a headset poked her head in.

“It’s time.” She said politely.

“Alright thanks. We’ll be out.” Luke said before the lady exited the room. “You ready?” He asked looking at me.

“No, but I guess that doesn’t matter.” I said shrugging.

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