Dinner Is Served

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Clarke sat looking outside the window as she and Rebecca drove onto their property. She was holding back tears as the car came to a stop.

"Clarke!!!" Rebecca called to her noticing the dampened mood she was in.

"Yes, mama" Clarke said trying not to make eye contact. 

"Why are you so out of it today? I've called your name like three times..." she began "But anyway, I'm having a friend over for dinner and I want you to be on your best behavior. Maybe we can have out intermediate time when he leaves." she finished as they walked up to the door. 

Clarke nodded her head yes as she bolted upstairs to the bathroom, she drew herself a bath and laid there for a few minutes still trying to process what she found out today. 

Rebecca was downstairs preparing dinner when the doorbell rang. Clarke had finished her bath a while ago and Rebecca thought that she was asleep so she crept to the stairs as she saw Rebecca open the door. 

"Hey Becca. " she heard. Her eyes widened as she realized it was the man on the phone from the Rebeccas office. She ran to her and Rebeccas bedroom and cried into the pillows. A few minutes later Rebecca had come into eh room and told Clarke that she needed to be downstairs and dressed within the next fifteen minutes. 

Clarke did as she was instructed and went downstairs, after putting on a pair of pants and a new t-shirt. She went into the kitchen where she saw a tall, blonde haired man sitting at the breakfast bar. 

"So this is the man who was in the phone." she thought to herself.

"Don't, just stare Clarke. Say hi" Rebecca scolded

"Hello."She said softly, trying to hold back every ounce or anger in her body. 

"I'm Rick" the guy said back waving

Rebecca and the man walked into the dining room and Rebecca called for Clarke to bring in the bowl of pasta sauce and meatballs. How could Rebecca act like nothing was wrong? She went on for years acting as if she were actually a widower. 

"Hell Fucking No." Clarke thought as she went under the kitchen counter and grabbed the bottle of rat poisoning. She poured a generous amount into the spaghetti sauce and stirred it up. It looked as if nothing was even in there. 

She carried the bowl of sauce and went to the dining room, she thought she interrupted a "special" moment between Rebecca and Rick. She sat it on the table and took her place right next to Rebecca.

Everyone helped themselves both Rebecca and Rick took a generous amount of said and began to eat up. 

"Clarke, why aren't you eating?" asked Rebecca.

"Well"... she began "I can't stomach the fact that I've been eating my dinner with a fucking murder for many years. I always knew that you were a fucked up but I never suspected you of killing my father. " she finished looking over at Rick. 

"Who the hell do you think...." Rebecca began to choke, she put her hands up to her throat trying and gasping or air. Rick then began to do the same both of them fell to the floor convulsing as life slowly left their bodies. 

And just before Rebecca took her last few breaths of life she knelt down next to her and said: "You're not my fucking mother." 

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