The New House

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While the men continued to move the boxes and furniture out to the van, Clarke and Rebecca stood in the remainder of what used to be her room, with both of them out of breath. The day slowly dragged on as the house slowly emptied. It was finally time for Clark and Rebecca to leave and go to the new house where all of their things would be waiting for them.

They drove for about five hours before Rebecca decided that she and Clarke would stay in a hotel for the night. Clarke got out of the car and followed Rebecca to the small motel room, with one bed for each of them. Clarke couldn't sleep at all that night, she just kept thinking of how Rebecca burned the last things her mother had on this earth. The morning finally came and they were back on the road again, after about four more hours of driving they finally pulled into a long driveway. Clarke was baffled at the house much bigger this house was than the old one, it had its own pool, guest house and the shocking part that made Clarke a little nervous was that there weren't any houses around. This new house was private property and by the looks of it, was a max security institution. Clarke went inside to see where her room was, all of the furniture was indoors and had been placed in all of the corrects rooms.

Clarke did a little exploring and found that the guest house wasn't as lavished as the rest of the property was. She had turned around to go back inside but Rebecca was there to stop her in her tracks.

"Did you think that you would get away with that stunt the other day?" She smirked as she grabbed Clarke's arm.

Clarke squealed in pain and told Rebecca that she was sorry. "I don't want to hear it... Hun. I tried to be the perfect mother but sometimes you just have to show some tough love. Mama needs to show you a little discipline." She howled over Clarke's cries.

She pulled Clarke into the guest house and locked the door. She then smacked Clarke across the face and repeatedly did so, when she finally stopped she looked down at Clarke and said: "Mothers have to show their children tough love, and you my darling will learn to love me back." She walked out of the guest house and left Clarke lying on the ground as tears rolled across her face.

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