13- In Another Life (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Waking up in a Metahuman cell sucked. So far, Team Flash thinking we're all crazy saying I'm Electrical Strike and Oliver and Barry are the Arrow and Flash. From all they're concerned, we belong in a cell and need our brains checked out. Now Green Arrow, Flash and I are at Clark Kent's farm with Kara and Lois Lane. 
   "So you switched lives with different people?" Kara asks me. "You can fly and shoot fire?" 
   "Yeah, its pretty strange. And I woke up with an engagement ring to Robin." 
I glance at Barry as his furrows his eyebrows after hearing me say that. He fires an arrow without looking at the paint can he was targeting, he is really ticked off. 
   "You're..? How?" Clark questions, following my gaze. "When I last saw you..." 
   "Like we said, reality has changed." 
   "When you say 'last time'," Lois pipes up. "You mean when you got knocked out and Clark had to carry you to the DEO for a vital check." 
   "She took that punch from Luthor's robot like a champ," Clark smiles. Lois raises an eyebrow at him and he clears his throat. "I mean, I couldn't just leave Strike there, because that hit looked like it hurt." 
   "Deck him, Barry!" Lois yells to Barry. Kara, Clark and I look at her. "What? He's a jerk." 
   "I thought that too when I first met him," I tell Lois. 

A quarrel between Barry and Oliver was a rare occasion, but it was not entirely odd. Kara and I sit inside while we wait for them both to cool off. 
   Kara clasps her hands together, "so if the real Starfire isn't going to marry this Robin guy, why are you?" 
   "I think it has to do with him being apart of my life earlier." 
   "I think you've talked about him before to me. He used to be Batman's sidekick, just don't remind him that. He was growing darker, more like his mentor. He hated it and he went off on his own. He's nice, passionate in what he believes in, loyal to those he's friends with..." 
   "He sounds great," Kara remarks. 
   "Yeah, he is. At least, he was when I last saw him." I look out the screen door, "looks like they tied up loose ends." 
   "I've been waiting until you guys sorted things out," Kara informs Barry and Oliver. 
   "Well, we couldn't stay mad at one another forever," Barry says with a grin. 
We all turn as a bright light breeches onto Earth-38. Cisco vibes his way onto to the Kent's farm. 
   "Hey," he greets us. "Sorry for locking you guys up, but we have situation. The sky has turned red with lightning and we need your help fighting a crazy robot, Barry and Oliver..?" 
   "And Sky," I remind him. 
   "Yep. Sky who is not Starfire, which is super weird." 
   "I can help," Kara volunteers. 
   "Me too," Clark chimes in. 
   "Who are you?" Cisco asks. 
Clark unbuttons his shirt, revealing his suit. 
   "Oh, this is gonna be dope," I beam. 

Being back on Earth-1, Central City is being threatened by a killer robot that replicates superpowers

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Being back on Earth-1, Central City is being threatened by a killer robot that replicates superpowers. Its just another day at the office. 
I spring into action, with my cool fire and flight powers that I cannot wait to try out. The ends of my hair combust into flame, my irises flicker green with a new found energy. With the Kryptonians joining in the fight, there is no way we can't lose. Oliver whips through with lightning and Barry fires arrows in the blink of an eye. Barry has never seemed more hotter. 
I light up my hands with a sparking flame, aiming at the Amazo robot charging in for an attack. Something hits it on the back of its head. I pivot my head to see Dick's escrimas being retrieved by the vigilante. 
   I land on the ground to meet him, "what are you doing here?" 
   "One of your little friends made a call," he replies. "Its so good to see you fighting with a new fire, Star." 
I had forgotten that he used to look at me like that, with a such love. A love that had very reluctantly died. I stare at him for a short while, until an arrow lands by Dick's boot, imbedded into the concrete. 
   "Oops, my fingers must have slipped," Barry calls over. "Sky, c'mon." 
I rush over to Barry, and watch as Clark drives the robot into the ground and far, far below. 

Kara lands next to me, casting a look at Dick. Barry does too, just much annoyed and jealous. Oliver grins as Clark drops down into front of us. 
   "It worked," the former Green Arrow smiles. 
   "Not really," Barry responds, bring the barer of bad news. 
Amazo leaps up from the depths of the earth and touches down in front of us. A series of symbols show up on the robot's chest. 
   "What the hell is that thing doing?" Oliver asks. 
   "Copying down our powers," I say. 
Then Amazo knocks us all down with our different sets of abilities. My wrists impact the ground as I tumble. I struggle to my feet and get helped up by both Dick and Barry. This awkward moment will have to wait for later. 

   Oliver takes off running, trying to bring Amazo back. Barry loads an arrow, "he won't be able to faze and run at the same time." 
We wait as Amazo comes rocketing by with Oliver. Kara delivers a punch to send it reeling. Clark holds it down with Oliver grabbing its neck and Kara gripping the other arm. I attempt to heat and wield the feet to the ground. Barry shoots an arrow into the eye socket and it explodes. 

Sitting in the Cortex thinking is not normally my thing

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Sitting in the Cortex thinking is not normally my thing. Dick went back to patrol Blüdhaven and Detroit. He said to give him a call if I needed him. I told him that Barry and I were married and from what he had seen tonight, he seems troubled. I broke his heart once, I don't want to do it again. 
   "Hey, Cisco wants to show us something," Barry says. He pauses, "are you okay? You look..." 
   "I'm fine," I reply abruptly. 
   "I know you're shook up by seeing your old... boyfriend. But I'm here for you. I always will be. If you need to talk about what's happening, I'm your guy." 
   "I'll be okay, Barry." I kiss him on the cheek. "Just as long as you don't kill Dick." 
   "If he makes a move on you, I can't make any promises." 
We walk into Cisco's engineering room where he proposes the idea for vibing. Barry and Oliver vibe with him and when they get out of it, Oliver sketches an image from it. 
   "Where is that?" Kara questions. 
   "That's Wayne Tower," I realize. "Cool. So we're going on a field trip." 
   "Yeah, to Gotham," Oliver answers. 

Author's Note

YES! Just under 2000 words! I am on a roll. What did you guys think of this part? I
 know, bringing in Dick Grayson was a little bit of a stretch. But I've mentioned him in my writings so much, I figured why not? With Brucey on a "vacation" somewhere, it left the perfect opportunity to drop in on some Robin/Nightwing. Plus he's someone to introduce Kate Kane. 

ANYWAY, here is Starfire's prototype (not really) suit, down below. I really tried my best to make the Photoshop work. 

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Three pictures of awesomeness! Aaand I'm out of here! Another part to this story is coming up

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Three pictures of awesomeness! Aaand I'm out of here! Another part to this story is coming up. If you liked this part, give it a vote! Byeeeeeeeeee! 
   ~ SHIELD-Avenger 

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