74. Fan's post (4)

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kingjax Jackson arriving from China.

Many claim that they saw him and Mark were holding hands on their way out but so far no photo or video evidence has been posted to prove it.

Some say that it just looked like they were holding hands because of the size of their jackets (creating an illusion that they were).

What do you guys think?

#jacksonwang #marktuan #markson #宜嘉 #段宜恩 #王嘉爾 #王嘉尔

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deck_jnn there were low quality pics of them holding hands at the airport but i cant find it :/

kadm_ oh my god. stop with this ship. we all know that markson isnt real. they're just two good friends. and need i remind yall that they both work in a korean company and maybe thats why theyre close cuz they can communicate better by mandarin. 

21sadlm but mark isn't gay?

njeedk8 jackson already came out as bi sooo we'll just have to wait for mark's response

moralhjinwh nah it aint tru man

nodis_213 they have to tell us now. its kinda obvious tbh

buyaoiting so does this mean that jyp is literally hiring homos? 👏

bumboom_ i feel like jackson is just his friendly self.

sudzkn maybe this was just some pr stunt to gain more media from them. they have been trending since mark's return to korea and him and jackson do do well on their promotions and adverts so it would be understandable to try and milk out all the attention they can pull out.

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