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The funeral was filled with our family. People from all over the country flew in to show respect for the loss of my brother. Hayes's birth mom even made am appearance, she wasn't as much of a wreck as my mom but she was still a grieving mess, after all she gave birth to him and still spoke to him at least once a month. His body rests in a black coffin, mom chose his outfit. His favorite suit, his red Armani suit with his most expensive gold watch. He looked good. He looked at peace, I was only able to glance at him once. I had excused myself out of the room because all of this became too much for me to deal with. This funeral was my final goodbye. It was my reality. He's dead. It wasn't a sick dream. His life was stole from him. But here he was looking well rested.

Mom hasn't left her bed once until today, she wore a long black dress, she stood painfully close to the coffin just staring at him smiling deeply at him as she fixed his hair, dad besides her making sure she doesn't lose her cool like she has almost everyday since. He work a black sweater and a pair of pants with sunglasses on to cover his eye so no one saw him cry. I haven't seen dad cry yet, I know he has behind closed doors, him and mom spend all there time together in his room talking or sleeping, either way he's had to have cried at least once.

Weston and Emilio sat down in the cathedral and tapped there legs quickly, anxiety keeping them on there toes, they stayed away from his body, it was an unbearable moment for all of us. Every row was packed with our grieving family. The first row was reserved for immediate family, including his birth mother. The priest spoke a few words and then gave the spotlight to anyone who chose to speak up about Hayes. His birth mother approached the stand near his casket and quickly brushed away her tears.

"Hayes was the happiest, most energetic baby I've ever had the experience to love. But he wasn't mine to claim. When Hayes was just two years old I handed him off to Cleo and Jackson when it became too much for me. I never knew about Cleo and Jackson was far from responsible for others saftey and well-being. But Cleo raised him, she is his mother, he grew up into a beautiful man, one who I know made her proud, hell he made me proud, he spoke about her like she was God, he looked up to you Cleo. I know this is a hard time for you but remember that boy would have taken his own life if it meant saving yours. He was selfless around you. You turned him into the man me nor Jackson would ever be capable of making. He died too young, he was, the brightest star in the sky, he was the sun." She cried looking in our direction trying to keep her breathing normal but it became to much for her as she continued to stare at Hayes. She stepped down and ran out of the church and never came back. Nobody else was going to speak, I wasn't going to but I wanted to, so I did.

"He was only 19 my brother when he was murdered. 19. He was just starting his life. A good one at that. He was the best big brother I could ask for. As you all know my brother enjoyed jokes, he thought the best one should be his funeral. If this day ever came, he wished for a party with everyone who loved him woth the song I'll be missing you by Puff Daddy playing on repeat because that song was his favorite and it sit the topic. My parents said no but I thought for his sake I'd play it at least once for all of you to enjoy with him." I grab my phone out of my pocket and play the song holding it the microphone. The songs flowed through beautifully and had people standing up singing along crying with smiles on there faces.

"Every breath I take, Every move I make, Every single day Every time I pray I'll be missing you." I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and felt the tears slip through the creases of my eyes and then I felt it. I felt him there behind me, his arm on my shoulder, I could smell him, I could feel him, he was here.  I wasn't alone. The song soon ended and I excused myself and sat back down next to Emilio. The service ended, a driver came and picked up Weston, Emilio, and I and took us home while mom and dad went to his private viewing somewhere close to our house for his burial.

Cleo' s pov

Once everyone beside Jackson left the church I walked up to Hayes and grabbed his hand. A few men came in to take him away and I was willing to let them but I can't I'm not ready. I panicked, he can't be gone yet.

"No no. No! Don't touch him! Don't!" I screamed pushing them away from him, Jackson ran up and calmed me down, the men told him they will wait till we're ready but when will you ever be ready to put your child in the ground and never see them again? You tell me when it is the right time to allow your child to be alone in a box under the soil? There is not right time, he's my baby, and here I am about to leave him. I'm betraying him.

"Jackson how do I say goodbye? Everytime I try I choke up, how do I put my boy to rest? I don't know how other parents do this. I've seen on t.v. other kids dying and I'd never be able to put myself in those parents shoes because it was unbearable to think about. How do I live Jackson? I mean- how- what do I do to continue on?" I cried into his chest holding him close to me as I reach out for Hayes, but there isn't a returning hand that can warm my cold one. Jackson just stays with me silencing my tears and brushing my hair out of my face.

"You don't forget him Cleo, you just learn to live without him. You had a life before Hayes and you will after. It will most definitely not be easy but it will happen, and your family will be here when you do." He whispers kissing my forehead. I not my head and grab a tissue to blow my nose. I tell Jackson to get me out of her and make sure my boy is safely transferred to his grave. The ride home was silent but Jackson's presence never faded, his large palm stayed connected with my thigh the whole ride home. Once we reached the house Jackson helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked towards the door.

"Jackson?" I whispered before he opened the door, he turned around to look at me but before he could say anything I just kissed him. Slowly and meaningfully. He returned my kiss with his own and welcomed me fully. He pulled back and was about to say something but I stopped him.

"People die everyday. I'm not spending another day trying to hate you when one of us could die tomorrow." I confessed.

"Your the best thing in my life Cleo. Not even death could keep me from you." He vowed and kissed me again passionately.

My books done 😭😭😭 I'm not sure if I'll do an epilogue. I like where I left it. And since it's Thanksgiving I gifted many of you with the ending you were all hoping for. I'm so greatful to all the dedicated readers and hope you continue reading many more books maybe even including my two other books besides Perfect Timing. You all have forever left a mark on my heart.

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