《- 22-》

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"Emily where have you Been? You have school." Mom demands locking the door behind me as I walk into the house, I don't say a word, just head upstairs and lock my door, is it possible to feel trapped in a life you have played out in your head and be disappointed when you realize your actual life is shit compared to that?

At this point my life is what it's gonna be, I won't sit around and do nothing with it, my life is in my own hands it's time to show my worth. Starting with my father, the hardest man to ever get to see eye to eye with. I'll start slow, start being around him, acting nice, make my presence known, the. I'll show I'm worth it to become leader.

I head into the bathroom and strip, I turn on the shower and look back at myself in the mirror. I don't hate myself, just wish life could have been nicer to me and my forgotten family. I step into the shower and ponder on the thought of Emilio possibly pulling this family together like I always wished we were. I look down at my legs as the soap rushes down past my feet down the drain. I don't forget to glance at the light pink scars left on my left leg. That was a dark time for me, to actually cut myself, more than once. These were when the divorce was finalized. Each cut for each of us, if we couldn't be together in person atleast on my body they stayed. I was addicted, each cut felt empowering, but after a couple of days I looked at the dried up scabs and I instantly went cold. I cut my beautiful skin, because I thought it would help; and it didn't. The tears I hold in my eyes aren't because I'm a spoiled rich girl missing her daddy and mommy's marriage, these tears are my pain, the hard ships I faced during, after, and while this split. My dad abandoned me, my daddy, replaced me, it was so easy for him. Like I didn't even matter, and I do matter, I know this now, I should have before but I couldn't see past him leaving, I blamed myself, and now it's time to realize I was just a kid who couldn't control her father no matter what.

After my quick shower I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, my phone goes off. Cole.

Your mind isn't here Em. My mom found out, well I told her about us, she's not happy about it, Emily I'm so sorry. I'm breaking up with you. I love you.

Good. Thank God. I can breathe again. I lay my phone back down on the pillow. Perfect timing. My heart isn't in this with him, I dragged our relationship on long enough. It's only far. I can't stop laughing, he loves me, my dad said the same and he left too. Except with Cole, I don't feel remorse, or hate, I'm okay, and I can breathe, and I can worry just about me.

My mom walks into my room with concern sketched on her face but I just laugh as the tears come down my face from being so emotional.

"Whats going on Emily?" She asks leaning against my bed post.

"Cole dumped me." I sigh wiping the tears and shake my head with a smirk.

"You were dating? Why didnt you tell me?" She asks shocked coming over to me and hugged me.

"We were dating for a while I guess, I kept it a secret from you because I knew you didn't like his mom, we thought you would make us break up like his mom did." I laugh slightly. She shakes hear head and slides her slippers off and folds her legs and leans against my bed frame and pulls me into her.

"I wouldn't keep you from love Emily, no matter what hate I have for his mother. He is not her. I'm so sorry he hurt you, and I'm sorry you didn't think you could tell me, I'm your mother you should be able to tell me anything." She says playing with my hair. I don't move, just letting this moment happen. Something I need from her, the talk.

"I'm not hurt mom, in fine, I'm more than fine, I feel good, and free, he ever was around, it was a stupid thing to get involved in. Why do you guys hate each other so much?" I slowly drag put hearing her sigh with the question. It's quiet for a while until she moves and faces me.

"Before you were born, when the boys were very young, your father and I were just hashing out stuff, he has yet to change those problems we had resulting in our divorce. Well Laymen had came to me, telling me she was pregnant, I had over heard her and your father having a heated conversation. It turns out there was a possibility that Cole was your father's. We were just trying to fix our relationship from our previous problems and that ruined it. I decided it would be best for the boys and I if we left. Took a break. Hunter came with us because he couldn't be around Kaylen. When we left I found out I was pregnant with you. I was kidnapped around 6 month pregnant. Your father came and saved us, but that didn't help, I was in distress. I went into early labor. I gave birth to not one but two beautiful babies but the man that kidnapped me followed us and took Emilio. I blame your father and Kaylen for everything. My son wouldn't have been abducted if I didn't leave, I wouldn't have left if he didn't cheat with her. I hate her Kaylen. But i shouldn't anymore. Hate did me no justice. Emily I don't want you to hate anyone. Especially your father." She whispers wiping her eyes as a few tears fell from her face. I shake my head in disagreement to her.

"This isn't the same. He left. He didn't fight for any of us mom." I groan she she shakes her head and laughs.

"I left him Emily. It was me who wanted all of this separation. Your father really did want to keep us together at the end of the day. But i couldn't look at him again. He tried to get me to go to therapy or even just move into a different house until I wanted to work our problem out. But I left. So blame me Emily for him leaving." She says and plays with her hands as she stares at me.

"It still doesn't change the fact that he-" ﹰAs I was about to finish my line I was interuppted by a voice sounding besides my door.

"Left when I should have fought harder to protect my family." Dad says closing my bedroom door behind him and waltz right over to us. Mom looks shocked and stands up quickly about to walk away, but dad grabs her hand and stops her.

"She's right Cleo. I should have fought for us, should have worked out our problems, should have pushed harder for us. I love you, I always will Cleo." He says and then looks over at me.

"I'm so sorry I made you hate your life. You're my daughter, my only daughter, my last baby. I should have been the one protecting you when I abandoned the only thing you knew." He says walking up to me, I don't move from my spot and cry.

"You left me! I was alone and I needed you! How could you do that so easily? You were supposed to be by my side dad, and you weren't, you think is be Okay?" I cry throwing a pillow at him, he lets it hit his chest and fell to the floor. Mom was about to respond when my phone rang loudly and paused everyone's commotion.

I looked over at my phone.


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