《- 17-》

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The hall our school is holding our prom in is so spacious, I thought it would be overcrowded with no room. Marabella and her date ran off somewhere and now I'm on the dance floor with Cole slow dancing. I dont really know how to slow dance but Cole says he cant either, so it doesn't matter to either of us apparently. I keep stepping on his toes but I'm blaming it on him for having such big feet. his hands are around my waist his palms are on my butt cheeks but he isn't grabbing them, he is being very respectful to me right now, I know he wants to take this dress off of me at the moment but he is containing his other side right now. Cole is a very nice guy in front of everyone, but when its just me and him another side comes out, and it makes me want to jump his bones.

"I'm going to get us drinks I'll meet you at the table." He says pinching my butt and walking away. I walk to our table where four people were sitting at, they were just making out, just sitting there is very awkward, I look like I came to prom alone and miserable. Cole walks back with a devil grin and hands me the drink, I stand up and lean towards him. 

"You knew they were here swallowing each other and you made me sit there to get us drinks, I'm not even thirsty." I whisper angrily to him as he just laughs at me putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me away from the table. I drink the soda and look at him as he watches me and starts to quietly laugh as he pulls me out to the hallway and finishes his soda.

"What did you put in this?" I whisper quickly poking his chest.

"Just a little alcohol, dont worry we have our driver and we are not taking you home, especially not when you are in this, you look extraordinary." He says as I finish my cup and throw it out pulling him by his tie back into the dancing area.Our bodies move with each other, and this time we are spending right now is electrifying my body with every touch I place on him. I bring my body closer to his wanting this moment to last forever, no parents, no mistress, no siblings, no cuts, just us in a moment. After five more songs, the Prom is officially over and everyone is rushing to there cars. Cole and I walk slow, savoring this bit of freedom away from everyone, we stay indoors just till almost everyone has left already, leaving three cars outside not including our ride. Just as we step outside it starts raining, and we just look at each other and laughter pours out of us. We both run as fast as we can even if I'm in heels that are becoming slippery. we make it to the limo and rush in, after the door is closed I look at him, his hair all wet, he is dripping like a dog on these seats. I can only imagine what I look like, makeup dripping down my face, my hair not curly anymore, the bun slowly falling down my shoulder, my dress damp. 

"Where to?" The Chauffeur says, I laugh silently as Cole speaks to him in a better tone.  The Chauffeur begins driving to whatever destination Cole has chosen. I look at my phone and see it is 11:23, I text mom telling her I am sleeping at Marabella house, but I never get a reply. after a couple of minutes the driver bids us good night and leaves in front of the Stewert Hotel, it looks amazing, the gold lights make it look like a mystery yet welcoming, we walk in after I realize im standing in the ran. Cole checks us in and we shuffle to the elevator, everyone looking at us, we are the epitome of crazy teenage love. we are in the elevator with an old man and a young woman, they scoot over for us, but I believe it's just so they dont get wet, I drop my purse and as I bent down to get it the old man stopped me and picked it up for me. 

"I remember my prom, with my best friend, she never knew I was in love with her, everyone else did, you two are a young beautiful couple, make sure you drag him to every dance, you never know when it will be your last." He says and slowly walks out leaving us and the tall model blonde model. She keeps staring at Cole and he doesn't notice her he just keeps looking at his shoes. We step off on our floor and Cole flinches as we get off the elevator, once we turn the corner her starts laughing.

"Oh my God, she just pinched my butt." He breathes out laughing hysterically. 

"She...pinched your butt?" I ask, caught off guard with his words. he laughs and says yes making me laugh hysterically as well.

"She just, gripped it with her fingers, I feel violated, who does that?" He laughs crying as he tries to push they key card into the slot of the door. I grab it from him and unlock it myself pushing him into the room as he stumbles and falls on the floor, laughing even more. I help him up after I close the door and he goes and sits on the couch as he takes his shoes off. I grab the menu for food and look through it I pick out pancakes and bacon and I hand him the menu and he takes it and pulls me down in his lap as he looks through it. 

"Just get me a burger and lots of fries, oh and sprite." He says kissing my cheek and helping me stand up I order our food and make sure Cole stays up to get out food once it's brought up while I take a shower. I walk to the bathroom and unzip my dress taking all of the things out of my hair lying down all the bobby pins and the very expensive clip. I take my heels off making me drop a few inches, I look gross, my face looks like its melting. I take off my underwear and step into the very warm water, letting it run down my body, I face the water and just wipe my face till I feel its clean enough. I clean out my hair from all the hairspray and use the small little bottles of shampoo and conditioner. once I clean my body I step out and wrap and towel around my body and walk to the room.

"Where did you put my bag?" I yell, before prom Cole brought our things here so we wouldn't have to carry a bag around with us tonight. he shouts back to me in the closet and I look over in the closet and sure enough its there. I grab underwear and slip on the only pair I brought, navy blue silky ones, I grabbed my navy blue nightie on and dried my hair, not once brushing it and throwing my hair into a wet sloppy bun. 

"Foods here madam!" Cole yells I walk out with my phone in my hand checking my texts, still nothing from mom, maybe she fell asleep. I walk over to him and he looks up at me, he doesn't realize what im wearing till he looks at me a second time. 

"Emily?!" he gasps, never seeing me in one of these before, its always been in his clothes for some reason now that I think about it. 

"I bought it for you." I tell him seeing him blush as he hands me my plate, I thank him and carry out as much stuff that I can to the living room and turn on the t.v. seeing criminal minds on and cheer happily. He sits down next to me leaning against the couch with his burger in his hand watching the t.v. show with me as he rests his hand on my knee as im hunched over eating my pancakes and bacon quickly, im starving. Once I'm left with just bacon I start eating some of his fries, it's only fair, he ate some of my pancakes. we share a big bottle of sprite and relax and watch criminal minds cuddling together, letting our stomach digest our food. He starts playing with my hair, I smack his hand away and hear him laugh, he does it again and I hit him harder. 

"Don't you play hard to get with me tonight, I've waited long enough, cant tease me any longer princess." He says standing up and throwing me over his shoulder making me yell in excitement, he walks to the room and throws me on the bed taking his shirt off showing me my second favorite part of him, firstly its just him, his body is a bonus. He crawls on top of me and loves me like a Queen, not the princess he calls me.

School sucks yall, it's sucking the life out of me and sleep, pray for me, please?

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