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It's been two days, I haven't gone to school since Friday. Mom said I need to be stress-free, so I have to stay home away from everyone. Ever since that night in the hospital dad hasn't seen me. Did I do something? Right now I'm in my room, laying on my bed, wrapped in my blankets, I don't want to get out of them.  I haven't been out of my bed for a good six hours now. I hear mom cooking dinner downstairs as I close my eyes and just dozed off. A knock is heard from my door and it's Westen. I look over at him waiting for him to speak but he takes a deep breath and strolls on in closing the door and leaning up against it.

"Dinners ready, come on." He says. I groan and just cuddle back into the blankets.

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later," I tell him shooing him away.

"Emily, come on you haven't eaten since yesterday." He says walking up to my bed and looking at me probably noticing my pale skin, the dark circles under my eyes, my lips dry, my tear stained cheeks.

"I don't care, I'm not hungry, just leave," I tell him covering my face so he stops seeing everything that's wrong with me.

"Why won't you leave your bed?" He asks beginning to annoy me.

"Because it's comfortable." I lie just keeping it short and simple hoping he gets the hint.

"Come on Emily." He pushes me a bit like a hurt dog.

"Go Westen just for once can someone listen to me!" I complain moving the blanket looking at him angrily.

"Mom won't be happy about this." He says and walks out of the room leaving me to my empty, and silent room. I hear his feet departure from my bedroom door and silently let tears just fall out of my eyes. Nothing feels the same, I feel out of place like everyone is lying to me. I curl up into a ball and close my eyes. My head starts to pound and I blackout. I see mom and dad screaming as I stand in the hallway holding my teddy bear by its foot. Moms screaming at dad as he eats the dinner me and her made for him, he isn't even looking at her, he just continues to eat.She kept screaming to "look at her!" Who did she mean? She didn't know I was there though.He never moved from his seat. But her, she was screaming her head off. Her next words were chilling "She's growing up without her father Jackson! When are you going to worry about your family!? You're losing us!" She cried. He only looked at her and kept eating.

"Stop doing this! Stop leaving for days and expect everything to be okay! Westen notices these things he's not a baby anymore! Hayes is realizing whats going on! Emily is still a baby, she's 5! Stop abandoning your kids!" She screamed. I looked at dad and seen his food was gone and pushed the plate away from him. My mom grabbed the plate and threw it at the wall next to him but he didn't move, even a flinch. He stood up and walked up to her, she backed up but never stopped screaming.

"What am I doing wrong!? I take care of our kids! I keep the house cleaned! I have sex with you everytime you want it!" She screamed. She went to go slap him but he grabbed her hand and put it down.

"I hate you!" She cried into his chest, he just stood there holding her. She kept crying but never moved from his grasp and all dad managed to say were two simple words. "Im sorry."I woke up thrashing around in my bed all sweaty with Mom trying to wake me up. She grabs my faces and tells me to calm down and to breath. How long was I out for? I didn't realize I was crying till I grabbed my face with my hands.

"Emily what happened!?" Mom said panicking, as she held me in her arms with me shaking and breathing heavy like someone just sat on me.

"I had a memory." I choked out. She squeezed me and rocked me back and forth soothing me.

"You and dad were fighting, I was 5." I cried in her arms and just laid there with her, holding onto her tightly not wanting to let go and not want her to let go of me. 

"Im sorry." She whispered in my ear and I quieted down. My lip is shaking as my tears still fall off my face. My brothers come in with a plate of food and water. They put it on the nightstand and walk out of the room. How messed up was my family? And what aren't they telling me?

Well shit, ya girls going crazy, poor Emily.
Yours truly, Haley

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