*Chapter 27: Broken*

Start from the beginning

"You are and always will be my ultimate weapon, Skylar! The fact that you ever though you were anything more amuses me." He smirked. "We both know you're not going to kill me tonight. You know very well I didn't come alone, here. I just give the signal and you're dead."

Keeping my sword pointed at his neck, I spit out my words "I may not kill you tonight, but I will. After all..." I sheathe my katana. "I am the monster you made me to be."


It was around noon and I hadn't come out of my room. I didn't get any sleep. I was trying to wrap my head around the mess that was my life. I had killed Nelson Valentino and my life here with Alexander was about to end as I knew it. My heart was breaking at the thought of loosing him, but I knew I had to tell him the truth.

I got up and as I opened the door to find Alexander, there he was. Standing in front of my door, with his hand in the air like he was about to knock, was Alexander. He had bag under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, part of his shirt was unbuttoned, and his hair was a little messy.

"Alexander... I was just about to..." I started before he just grabbed me and pulled me against him for a kiss. His lips met mine in a warm passionate embrace. My insides exploded in butterflies and my heart broke even more knowing I didn't deserve this feeling.

"Skylar, I am sorry for what I said. None of this has been your fault. I was just angry because I felt fucking helpless with everything going on. I shouldn't have blamed you like that." He took my hand in his, gently leaving kisses on them.

"Alexander there is nothing to forgive. Listen we need t- "I was cut off again as his lips softly touched mine once again. His hand went through my hair as he pulled me closer into him.

For a short moment I didn't feel guilty. For a short moment, I felt as happy as I had felt during the time I've been at this house, with this family. For a short moment I allowed myself to succumb and enjoy the feeling I had as Alexander kissed gently down my neck to the valley between my breast. I closed my eyes and let Alexander shower me with kisses. Because deep down I knew, that after I told him the truth, he would never look at me or touch me like that again. That in itself broke my heart more than anyone has ever broken it before.

In the morning, the truth would destroy my salvation.


Alexanders POV

Her hair was all over the pillow as she slept. She had no crease on her forehead, she wasn't tossing and turning with nightmare riddled thoughts. She looked at peace, she looked beautiful. It was just so unfair how I had treated her, but I was so caught up on my own failures, I was blinded.

I slowly got up from my bed careful not to wake her. Slowly I made my way to my office. I opened the drawer of my desk and took out a small velvet box. Inside it had a ring.

I was running errands the other day when I passed by the store and saw it by the window. I don't know what came over me but next thing I knew, I was inside the store paying the nice lady for the ring.

I was crazy, Skylar and I hadn't even been together for a year. There's just something about her that makes me not care about the time we have been together. I just care about her and how she makes me feel. Everything she has done for me and my family since she got here.

The holidays were just around the corner and I had plans to ask her at our annual Christmas party. Jeremy told me Christmas used to be her favorite holiday. Being at D.Impero for the past 7 years destroyed that for her. So, I'm going to bring the magic back to the holidays for her. Granted, thanksgiving wasn't for a few weeks, but I was going to wait until Christmas.

Just then my phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts. It was Armani. Feeling pissed off already, I answer the phone.

"This better be good, Armani."

"Oh, it is. You see, I couldn't help but notice your little attachment to that assassin of yours. Nyx is it. Such a sexy little specimen, isn't she? So full of secrets and mysteries."

"Get to the point!" I say through clenched teeth.

"My point is, there so much about her you yet don't know. You trust her, don't you? She has you gripped by the balls."

"I know all that I need to know. A king is only as strong as his queen. You wouldn't know that, considering you aren't even a king." I smirked a bit at that.

"Be careful, Valentino. The queen makes the king strong but she's also the very thing that can destroy him and everything around him."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She's hiding something from you."

"Why should I believe anything that's comes out of your goddamned mouth?

He laughed a bit "I sent you a file to your email. It contains documents from D. Impero. It has everything you need to know about Skylar Diamond. Yeah, I know that's her name. It has everything she did at D. Impero, every training session, every punishment, every kill."

"Whatever you are trying to do, its not going to work."

"Just take a look at the files, Valentino" with that he hung up the call.

I ended up staring the screen of my computer. Wondering if I should really look at Skylar's file or not.

Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I guess Alexander got up early. My stomach was in knots knowing what I had to do next. I had to tell Alexander the truth. That meant he was going to hate me for the rest of his life and this happiness I was feeling was going to go away forever.

Taking a quick shower, I couldn't get rid of the knot in my stomach. I slowly walk over to his office and as I opened the door nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

Alexander was sitting behind this desk, it looked like the room had been ransacked. The computer was on the floor along with every other thing that was on his desk. The mirror on the wall was shattered like he had punched it, which would explain the dried blood on his right hand. The bookshelf had been knocked on the floor, breaking the glass coffee table in front of it.

"When were you going to tell me?" he asked with a furious expression on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I stepped a bit closer.

"When were you going to tell me that you were the one who put a fucking bullet in my fathers head?"

My heart stopped and broke at the same time. "I- I was just coming in here to tell you..."

"How long were you planning to pretend that you didn't have anything to do it with it. You have been here for months, Skylar! I welcomed you here with fucking open arms and you stab me in the fucking back!"

"Alexander I- "I tried explaining how I didn't remember anything until just 2 days ago but he didn't let me.

"Get the hell out of my house, Skylar. Go live somewhere else, go back to D. Impero for all I care! Just be grateful I'm not killing you and making you suffer for this."


"GET OUT!" he screamed throwing a glass of whiskey over my head. "Take your damn friends with you!"

With that I ran back to the room with tears in my eyes. I packed my stuff, got Jeremy and Alexa and we left. In a couple of hours, we were back at D. Impero and as I watched my fathers' sinister smirk. I knew that everything that made me happy was gone forever.

Everything Alexander and I had Disappeared...

Time stopped...

My heart broke...

My whole soul broke... 

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