"Why?" Travis asked. Dad sighed.

"They've been accused of treason against Olympus," he announced sadly. "They need to be on Olympus to stand trial before us." Dad looked at me. "I am sorry, son. We have no choice."

"No choice?" I asked incredulously. "If I've learned anything at all, it's that there's always a choice."

"Well, it's either this, or we send Ares to kill you." He explained. I paled a little while Percy scoffed.

"Ares?" The green-eyed boy barked out. "I beat him when I was twelve! Can't they at least send someone competent?" I stared at Percy in awe while Will, Nico, and Travis laughed.

"There's Hercules," Dad offered, trying to restrain his own laughter.

"Like he's any better!" Percy scoffed. "But please, send him. There's something that I owe him." I blinked in surprise at the sudden violence in his voice.

"Let's not," I interceded. "We will go up and stand trial. We do not need any god blood on our hands." I sent Percy a look. He shrugged.

"If you say so Michael," he conceded.

"Yo lo digo," I replied. Nobody was the wiser so I cleared it up. "I do say so. Rough translation." Travis and Will laughed. Dad cracked a smile before snapping his fingers. I felt my body dissolve and shoot towards the sky. When my body was put back together, I tripped and fell. I caught myself before I hit the ground, but it was still foolish. No one laughed. That was a blessing in itself.

"Perseus Jackson," Zeus boomed from his throne. His salt and pepper hair and beard had electricity flowing through them, which I thought was cool yet dramatic. "Michael Triest. Do you two know why you are here?"

"I assume we do," I answered. "Unless you changed your plans from un juicio to una fiesta de baile." Hermes snickered and I shot him a grateful look. He, at least, could understand that I said 'from a trial to a dance party.' Being the god of travelers, he probably knew every language in the world.

"We most likely have not changed our plan to whatever you just said," Zeus said dismissively. "You two are here to stand trial for treason against Olympus."

"What are the charges?" Percy asked accusingly. A list appeared in Athena's hand.

"Vandalizing the Zeus cabin," she started. I snorted. "Vandalizing the Hera cabin." I snorted again and it was barely contained. Athena eyed me while she kept reading. "Mocking Ares, cursing Poseidon, abusing your powers, aiding our enemies,"

"What enemies?" I hissed at her.

"Quiet, boy." Ares snapped at me.

"Since when do you stick up for her?" I taunted the war god. If Percy could beat him at twelve, then I could beat him at seventeen. He looked about ready to launch himself at me before Hera held up her hand.

"Do not let him taunt you," she advised. "He is skillful with his tongue."

"In more ways than one," I muttered with a smirk. No one heard me so Athena went on.

"Provoking an Olympian," she continued. "Destroying camp property, and trying to break the alliance between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter."

"Looks like we've been busy, haven't we Percy?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't remember any of it," he answered. "Maybe we have, maybe we haven't. What's the sentence?"

"Death!" Ares roared. My eyes widened in surprise.

"¿Que mierda?" I asked incredulously. No translation needed as I think I got my point across. "¿Muerte? ¡Porque!" I kept on ranting in Spanish. "This isn't fair! I was introduced to the Greek world a month in a half ago!"

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