2: The Psychic

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Dusts hit my skin as explosions instantaneously created striking headwinds. Then, heat surrounded the plaza as cars banged each other, creating blazing fires everywhere. Small buildings that stood tall was raided with wildfire. Shadows even disappeared from the fire's brightness like when fireworks exploded in the sky. But when the fire calms down, the smoke darkens as if there was a storm to come by. Then people screamed for their lives, having the same cluttered faces as they ran away from each other. No one helped, not even me. I was there leaning against the warm cement looking up to their faces, realizing something. People are all selfish.

This is a familiar scene that people usually see in the movies. I am not honored. This is too real that I wished it was only a dream.

Then a car... a car was coming towards me. It kept rolling like how other cars flew. I was paralyzed and I don't know what to do any moment now. It was time for me to die. But I hindered and realized...

I don't want to die.

An extreme thought kept muddling inside me. I was so scared. I couldn't even describe it and I don't have time. Those were my last thoughts and my last memory in this imperfect world. It was indeed a bad morning. I shouldn't have started it. Now, it was my last.

I'm sorry mom. I know I love you. I just can't express it for an anger have stayed within me.

I'm really sorry.

The car banged its last step, cracking the asphalt so it could finally hit me.

I closed my eyes as I accepted my fate...


*10 seconds later*

Slowly, I started to open my eyes, curious of why I was still breathing.

Am I really alive or this is how sudden death feels like?


Wait. I'm saved!?

The car was motionless, magically floating in front of me. I burst out a relieved breath as my sweat trickled down my forehead.

I panted. My tears flowed down my cheeks as fear lingered my whole body, I was still trembling. My legs wilted and still stayed soft from standing. Gladly, my hands still stood for me, being my last strength. Then a silhouette figure of a man appeared behind the frozen car, still floating. I focused my sight for it was blurred from crying and saw him flying. I was amazed, making my fear slightly changed to hope. Now, I want to know and thank him, but when his face was lit up by the blazing fire behind him, a surprising cold stare met my frightened eyes. It was a cold stare... but why?

Slowly, he flew down to the ground, throwing the car away from me. I gave an immediate look where the car had landed then exploded. I was shocked from the fire it created that I turned my sight back to him. He was already walking towards me.

I wiped my tears from my eyes, my blurry sight cleared. There, I saw every inch of what he looked like.

He has a slim but a built figure. Then his skin was so pale as ice, his shaggy hair was white and grayish as snow, his tiger-like eyes have a blue diamond color, his thin brows arched not too far from his eyes, his nose was straight but small, and finally, his lips were thin and pinkish. To sum up, every inch of his oval-shaped face look young and innocent.

Meanwhile, I was disturbed when I met his cold but innocent eyes. I turned away as he continued to get nearer, I looked at his plain black shirt that was a little crampled.

Slowly, I turned my look upward until it reached his eyes again. Still, a cold stare struck mine, making me curiously ask, "Who are you?"

He did not answer.

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