3: The Way Home

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The lady went out, leaving me alone at last. I let out a big sigh, that relaxed my fist that was hurting my palm. Well, my nails are sharp and long. Then I looked at the people outside. They were still screaming and chattering, their words jumbling in the air just making a loud disturbing noise. I suddenly got annoyed for the view was exhausting me, I rolled my eyes as I looked away and I wondered into silence. The lady's voice suddenly echoed in my ears while the psychic's pale white face suddenly appeared in my mind, I was daydreaming about him. It was weird. The face who saved me that I will never forget was the cause of this awful morning. Realizing this, I chuckled out of nowhere, making me look crazy. For me, I still can't even believe that happened. Ugh, I want to go home now.


I slightly stood up, my head almost hitting the roof from where the seat was pinned beside the ambulance. I jumped out and immediately hid at the side and peeked my eyes near the side mirror, playing hide and seek on my own. My only problem of getting out from their sight was the line and the road barriers put across the highway, blocking every people to pass. The police were there too, trying to calm, explain and push the people from passing through. I curled my lip into disdain and frowned, looking so problematic and gloomy at the same time.

Why am I doing this anyway?

I tried to figure a way out as I peeked, then I was astounded when my mind suddenly pointed me somewhere like an arrow in a game appeared my sight. At the very edge of the blockage beside a small building, few people mustered each other and gave me an exciting chance to get through. Yet, I hesitated and got confused for people didn't think about going to the sides where chances of getting through was big. So, I shrugged my own thoughts. Then, I tried turning my head but I couldn't move it on my own like I suddenly have paralysis. But there I realize, my mind was not with me, like it was acting on its own. I got confused again. This is not the way I think. If it was me, I would stay and rest, telling bunch of stories to the police and maybe helping out, but instead, I was uncooperative and arrogant to them. And right now, I am urging to go home. But why do I really want to go home when the intersection was blocked and the shortcut was unsafe? This is an unusual thing to do. This is not me. As I realized my actions, I decided to go out from my hiding, revealing myself to no one. I walked towards the police who was the one who talked to me a while ago, but my legs suddenly felt gravity and stopped. My heart started to throb nervously. I was panting heavily. Instead, I walked towards the way my mind was pointing to, but I fought myself, and instantly felt tired and heavy. My eyes suddenly sweat, blurring my sight while my head cannot turn to where I want to go. I was sweating bullets as I clenched my teeth and fought myself. I reached out my hand, but I pulled it back involuntarily.

I want to talk to the police!

"H-Help," a fading voice escaped my breath, my own throat was also holding me back.

I didn't understand what was happening to my body. I couldn't control myself and couldn't move on my own. I could no longer command my body. All I have now is my thoughts, lingering inside me. I was frightened. Until, I got weak from fear. It was instantly tiring. Fighting the pull of gravity was drooping my energy. Then my feet shoved on its own, I was ready to give up my body. Until... I let go.... My eyes felt heavy.

I finally fell into darkness.


I woke up and realized the large crowd was gone. How did I escape that? I don't even remember at all. I got frightened yet I gained a sudden confidence for I realized someone just manipulated my mind. Only a psychic can do that to me. I wonder who it was until a hint had made me realize...

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