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(A/N) Okay so this chapter is going to be a shorty so I am sorry about that also some cuss words in this chapter. Well two and a half if I am being specific here. So enjoy now child


I sighed as I started walking home from the park. I then started saying one of Raf's poems as I kept my hands in my Oakland jacket pocket.

As I was in front of the door I grabbed the keys from my backpack and unlocked the door. I smiled a bit when I saw Mia running towards me and Soccer?

I crouched down and I started petting them and rubbing their stomachs. Good thing I have some dog food left in bag. I was walking Mia yesterday so, good thing! I then both give Mia and Soccer treats.

"Oh hey Y/n!"

"Hey Lauren, Hey Daveed Hey Raf, what are you guys doing."

"Well I'm helping Raf with the album a tiny bit while Lauren is making her album with some help of me too."

I laughed a bit when Daveed was both helping Lauren and Rafael at the same time. I mean Rafa was seen more when he did his poems. It's also Lauren's first album so she's need some help at least.

Daveed was like a close friend to me. I kinda have this crush on him but hey who knows if he likes me back. Lauren was like a sister I never had. She was the person that taught me how to rap. It was hard at first but at least I can rap.

And there's Rafael. My brother. Let's just say when we were growing up. He was the worst babysitter. We may be a couple years apart but him being an older brother was a bad idea.

"May I have a look."

"Yeah feel free to."

I walked over to the dinning table, where they were working on their albums. I looked over Raf's shoulder and saw he was already doing his 5th song.

I heard Raf mumbling the lyrics to see if the words match to the beat. I then looked over Lauren's shoulder. She only had her album Name and album cover. She didn't even do a song yet! Well first album is hard to do so don't blame her.

"Daveed I have no idea what to put for my first song!"

"Okay, chill damn, let's see it's your first album so I can relate, what's your albums name, then uh  probably make a song related to it."

I giggled a little as Lauren was procrastinating about her first album. I could see all of the pain and frustration she is going through now by her expression as she is making her album.

I went into the living room where Soccer and Mia is. As I sat down on the couch, both of the dogs jumped on me. I laughed and scratched both of their heads.

Then Mia put her paw on my face and scratched me a bit. 'Shoot that stings' I thought okay just don't yell at the dogs. Only yell at Raf, (if necessary)

I looked over to the trio and saw they were working hard and only concentrated to the albums and songs.  Daveed and Lauren were complaining while Raf is just there writing and mumbling.

"No you wrote do-"

"WH- HUH?"

"Write what I just said."

"F- Fine."

I opened my phone and I was just looking around in my phone not knowing what to do. I then got a notification and saw that today was the onesie party we planned last month

I looked over at them again and saw they weren't wearing any onesie, just regular clothes.

Daveed is wearing an Oakland shirt and jeans like for his every day wear. Raf is wearing a tang top and jeans. While Lauren is wearing a long sleeve and jeans.

I grabbed my phone and texted my friend Jordan. I started texting her and sent her a message: 'Hey! You free today?' I then started waiting for a reply.

I got a notification and looked at Jordan's reply: 'Sorry hon can't have plans with someone' I sighed in frustration, looked down to the floor where Mia and Soccer is and I thought to myself.

'Will Raf, Daveed, and Lauren concentrate more on this album and forget about me?'

777 words

Okay that's my first chapter of the book (not including the a/n) uh hope you liked it? It's been a long time since I wrote a fanfic. Well because of school I can only write documents on Word. Ew


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