chapter 5

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It has been 2 days ever since me and Dominic moved into this house , surprisingly he isn't just a man whore .. he is actually nice and fun to have around , but he is still a man whore.

* Peep peep *

"Hmmm a text message "

Kristen : yo wanna head for some coffee? Possibly McDonald's XD

I giggled... kristen is my best friend since kinder garden , she loves good but still manages to have a sexy body I wish I knew how

Sasha : McDonald's it is , I'll pick you up at 4

I guess I have a date to McDonald's XD


I went in and saw Kristen sitting , she already ordered food , impatient bitch
"Hey ky" I said as I walked over

"Hey bitch "she giggled " So what's up?"

"Well... I got engaged "


"WHAT??!??!??!!?!" She yelled "littlary a week ago you hated men , are you fucking pranking me?"

"Um no ... ky it's really complicated.. I didn't choose this , I hate men okay? I don't wanna fucking get married."

"Then... Why are you?" She asked

"Its an arranged marriage "

"Waiiiiit what?!.. explain bitch " she said

"Well my dad and his friend wanted his son to marry me for there company , it's not my choice " I lied... well kinda , she doesn't really know about the mafia so I lied and told her my father owns a couple of companys

"Your really brave... If I were you I would run away."she said quietly

"I would but.. my family is important to me and.... I won't say no because I have no choice anyways..."

We eat our meals and she continued asking me a ton of questions like alot
after we finished we went over to my place . On the way she asked " wait this isn't the way to your house , are you gonna kidnap me?"

I giggled and said "I didn't mention , I live with my fiance"

"Your only 18 and you already started a family" she rolled her eyes

We reached home and as soon as I entered I notice there are heals that isn't mine.... I entered the living room and freaked out..

"THE "
"IS GOING ON" I screamed

I saw dominic and a dumb bitch fucking on my damn couch , oh hellllllllllllll no , the worst part is Kristen was here

"Oh shit well I will leave now " Kristen  said as she ran out

I went over and grabbed that bitchs hair

"Awww omahgahhhd I just got my extensions done babe do something this bitch is crazy " she said dramaticly

"WHO the fuck are you calling a bitch" I said as I pulled a gun to get head

"Listen you slut , you better get out of here in 5 seconds or else I will fucking blow your brains off"

She quickly ran

"What the fuck are you doing , I was having fun" he sighted

" I don't want whores in my fucking house , fuck them somewhere else or I am fucking gonna cancel this engagement " I said as I walked away

I saw him rolled his eyes... I felt kinda hurt... I started liking him but he is probably just a man whore... gosh I dont have fucking time for feelings I... I dont care..


I always think of sasha... I can't stop , but I can't have feelings I don't do that shit , I am suppose to be heartless
So I decided to get a hooker to forget Sasha but I can't , I still am thinking of her , I saw pain in sashas eyes when she saw me with that slut.... I can't help but feel guilty
I walked upstairs to our room I tired opening the door but its locked ..shit...

"Sasha open the damn door"

"Why should i?" She asked

"Because I want to sleep ?"

"Go sleep at that whores house" she said

"Sasha your acting like a kid.. you know it's arranged why are you acting like I actually cheated on you "

"Dom it's fucking disrespectful when you bring a whore in my fucking house" she said angrily

"So are you gonna let me in?"


"Are you??"

"No you can fuck off" she yelled

I walked away to the guest bedroom
Since I don't have clothes to change to because Sasha locked me out of the damn room , I had to sleep in my underpants.
I couldn't help but think that I am guilty, she sounded jealous but I think Maybe she doesn't care and it's just disrespectful maybe she likes me maybe we could work stuff out and be an actual family.... who am I kidding she doesn't and she probably hate me

Ohhhh lala the probably like each other * winkwink *

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,  yes ik it's short I AM OUT OF THOUGHTS altho I just started XD

anyways pleaaaaaseeeee vote and comment labyall♡


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