Part Twenty Five: Intimacy

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(A/N) Sexual Content.

We all had that one heartbreak.

That one damned heartbreak.

We all have that one guy, that one girl that we cannot seem to forget. You might not still be in love with them, or you might be, but I think we all have that one person who tore our hearts apart.

You were something, or maybe you were nothing? Or maybe, just maybe you were everything, but you shouldn't allow yourself to decide which hurts more. Because truth is, you're nothing anymore, and that fucking sucks.


People romanticise heartbreaks as though it's something so beautiful. Since when is a heartbreak romantic? There's nothing fucking pretty about losing all the feelings in your knuckles, squeezing your hand so tight so that you won't text that person. Because deep down you know that they don't care to know about your wellbeing.

You feel as though you're a little too much for people to handle. A little too sad, a little too happy, a little too overbearing or maybe, just a tad bit too annoying.

You feel like you're always too much.

But truth is, you were always too little for the only person you ever truly loved.

And that can screw you up on the inside.

You're never enough for the wrong people.


One day, whether you're 16, 18 or even 56, we all will stumble upon someone who sets our souls on fire. A fire that simply cannot die. But the saddest thing is, we aren't all that lucky to spend the rest of our lives with us.

However, Camila and Lauren, they were two of the lucky ones. They met at such a tender age, and their relationship only ever blossomed over the years.

Who would've thought that you could meet the person you were going to marry in a cooped up classroom? Who would've thought that the same girl you admired from afar would've been the one to take your breath away? The same girl, that you'll spend the rest of your life loving?

At the end of the day, at the end of all our days, don't we all just want to come home to someone who looks at us and have the biggest smile on their lips form? Don't we all want someone to look at us and see their entire world?

Be with someone who loves you harder on the days you can't even begin to love yourself.


Camila descended the stairs into the living room, to be greeted to the sight of her wife and their daughter colouring on the floor. Once Izzy found out that she didn't have to go to school, she was ecstatic. It was clear that her Jauregui genes were stronger, because both Lauren and Maggie didn't fancy school.

I mean who does?

"Hey, you two," Camila greeted her family. "What's going on here?"

Izzy smiled happily when she saw her mother. The child was already dressed for her therapy session today. She was glad in all black; a jeans, t shirt, jacket and a sneakers. "Hi, mummy! I'm making, mama colour with me." She showed her mother her artwork. "Do you like it?"

Camila smiled and took a seat next to her wife. "Aw, baby this is so cute! Ariel looks pretty with pink hair."

Lauren snorted, she leaned closer to her wife, placing a kiss on her cheek. "You seem rather chipper this morning. Why's that?"

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