Twenty One

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Charlie moved a bit of hair out of my face and I smiled at her nervously.

"You look amazing Y/N. If you weren't getting married to Sam I'd steal you away from him." I hugged the redhead and she grinned at me.
"Also, at some point, you're gonna have to explain why you're so close with Crowley, it's kinda weird."

"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"I'll go tell them you're coming." Charlie ran off and Crowley stepped in the room. He smiled at me a little, before nodding his head.

"You look bloody gorgeous, Kitten." He kissed my hand and we linked our arms and began to walk towards the library.
"If either of the Winchesters give you any trouble, call me and I'll come. That includes feathers."

"I know." I smiled at him and he stopped just outside.

"Thank you for letting me do this for you, Y/N. You're like a daughter to me and it means a lot that you're even letting me be here." He said quietly.

"Have you been drinking human blood again?" I joked and the demon wiped away a tear.

"Maybe a little bit, just for today." I squeezed his arm.

"You're family too, Crow. You're like a second father to me and I'll forever be grateful that you could be here." He nodded his head and we walked into the library and I was amazed at how different it looked. As I walked in, 'Carry on my Wayward Son' started playing and I noticed how Sam glared at Dean slightly.
Crowley walked me down the isle, before kissing my head and sitting next to Cas on one of the chairs.

"Not to be a party pooper, but who's marrying you two?" Claire asked and I looked at Sam awkwardly.

"He should be here any minute." Cas said and Dean sighed.
"He said he was getting changed into his wedding suit."

"Please tell me he's not going to show up naked?" Dean winced.

"Who?" Me and Sam asked in unison.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." We all turned to see the Archangel Gabriel smirking at us. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt and red tie, a rainbow lollipop sticking out of his breast pocket.
"It's time for a wedding."

"Gabriel!?" Sam asked in what seemed to be pure horror.

"Heya Moose. You must be Y/N. Great to meet you." Gabriel grinned.
"Let's get this wedding going, eh?"

~Time Skip Because Dean refused on buying Cake for the wedding so there was a 3 tier pie, each layer a different flavour~

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Winchester." Sam kissed my lips and I rolled my eyes.

"Always such a suck up." Dean commented and Cas hit his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Dean whined.

"Be nice! They just got married!" Cas scolded and I laughed.

"Yeah, like 2 hours ago." Dean complained.
"Where are you going for your honeymoon?"

"Dean, we decided to get married this morning." Sam sighed.

"Yeah, but I want nieces and nephews! Little feet running around." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Dean, we all hated being brought up in this environment, why would we put a kid through it?" Dean shrugged.
"Anyway, we haven't even talked about kids, so that's not happening anytime soon."

"How about Jamaica, or somewhere with a nice beach?" Alex suggested.

"Here," Claire slid her laptop over to up.
"I think it's a simple salt and burn over in California. Honestly, that would be a million times more exciting than some boring beach."

"They don't want to-" Jody began.

"We'll take it." Sam and I said together.

"Married and suddenly you're the same person." Dean shuddered.
"Is it too early for you to get divorced?"

"Shut it." I sighed.

"Claire has a point. Salt and burns are easy enough. What do you think Y/N?"

"I think we're going on a ghost hunt."

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