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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Witch hunt? Great." Sam looked at me in amusement as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
I stretched out and my shirt moved up my stomach. I tried to quickly pull it down, causing me to loose balance and fall off the bed.
Sam laughed and I smiled at the amazing sound.
"You're an ass, Sam."

"Sorry, Princess, here." Sam helped me up, probably not even realising that he used my old nickname. It hurt, knowing that we might never go back to what we had.
"Y/N?" I looked at Sam who had his hand held out for me. I took it and he pulled me up with ease.

"I'm gonna go and get ready." I left the room and turned to my room, which was basically just a spare room with all my crap in it. I got changed and threw a bunch of clothes into a duffle, along with other necessities.
I walked out and towards the library, where I bumped into Dean.

"Hey, Y/N we're heading out in about 10." I nodded my head, finding Cas and Sam in the library.

"Hello boys and Y/N." I turned to see Crowley who was pretty busted up.

"Who's cereal did you piss in?" Dean laughed, walking into the room.

"Lucifer's apparently." Crowley snapped.
"Why the hell aren't you looking for him?! Instead I find you preparing for a hunt a baby could take care of."

"I believe that a baby would be physically incapable to hunt." Cas mumbled.
"Not to mention irresponsible."

"Fine, you three deal with the hunt, I'll find Satan." I said, rolling my eyes.

"And what are you going to do if you do find him?" Crowley asked sassily.

"I'll go after him." Crowley scoffed.

"Y/N, that's not happening." Sam said and I rolled my eyes, again.

"I can take on Lucifer. I've sent him back to the cage once before, I can do it again if I try." The 4 men in front of me didn't look convinced.

"Y/N, last time you went against Lucifer alone he almost killed you. He changed you into this thing, this monster, that's not angel or human. There's no cure and we don't know what power he has over you." Dean argued and the whole room fell silent. There was regret shining in his green orbs and I looked down at the ground.

"You can't cure what isn't a disease, Dean." I said coldly.
"And as far as 'monster' goes? You have no idea what I am." I picked up my bag and began walking towards the garage.

"Y/N, Wait up." Sam caught up to me and it took all my self control not to punch him.
"Dean shouldn't have said that, he knows it was wrong."

"To say it, you have to think it first." He pulled on the sleeve of my shirt.

"Y/N, it's Dean. You know what he's like." I stopped to look at him.

"Yeah, and I know what you're like. Right now you should be siding with your brother, rather than reasoning with me." Sam leaned down a little, his hand now resting against my arm.

"Why would I take Dean's side after what he's just said?" I looked at him, admittedly a little nervous at his closeness.

"He's your brother, Sam." I could have sworn he moved closer.

"So?" For the second time in the past few days, Sam's lips were on mine and this time, I kissed back.

Dean's P.O.V.

"Cas, I can't believe I just said that." The angel sighed and I felt unbelievably guilty.
"I love her, she's like a sister to me, but she's not a monster. I don't even know why I said that."

"You were blinded by your anger, don't worry too much. Kitten will get over it." Crowley shrugged and I had to resist from shooting him.
"She went to hell and back, literally, without you boys. It's going to take a bit more than a few harsh words to break her."

"As much as I hate to say it," Cas looked at me.
"Crowley is right. Not to mention that Sam went after her, their bond is already repairing."

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