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Y/N's P.O.V.

"I've not seen magic like this in a long time." The redhead sighed, looking at both of us.
Sam was wearing a pair of leggings and a big grey hoodie and Dean wouldn't shut up about how Sam was technically in drag. I was sticking to jeans and a flannel.

"Can you fix it?" I sighed and the witch rolled her eyes.

"There's nothing to fix." She pulled out a book from her bag and I crossed my arms over my chest.
"This sort of witchcraft would usually have worn off by now."

"Well, technically I'm part angel." The witch looked at me.

"Of course you are. You wouldn't know the Winchesters if you weren't." She opened the books.
"This complicates everything."

"Oh, Red, you have no idea." We all turned to see Lucifer stood there with a smirk on his face. Cas immediately dropped his angel blade and I looked at Sam worriedly. Rowena shouted something and threw something at us, once again I felt dizzy and had to lean against the wall.
"You're making this too easy."

"Fight me." I spat half heartedly and Lucifer appeared in front of me.
"Big bad Satan, everyone is scared of you. Everyone except us. Does that scare you?" He punched me across the face and I faintly heard someone calling my name, before I passed out.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up I felt different. I felt like me again. I looked down at myself and was thankful to see that I was back in my own body.

"Ah! Look, everyone is awake." I looked at Lucifer and stood up. Then I saw the others.
Dean, Cas, Rowena and Sam were all tied up and watching me carefully.
"Y/N, you look amazing." Lucifer smiled at me.

"What do you want with me?" I asked and he snapped his fingers, forcing my wings to rip out of my back. It hurt, but I attempted to keep a poker face, only flinching slightly.

"With you? Well I wanted you to come with me and, considering I practically made you, we could be a family. For example we could run Hell, take over Heaven." He shrugged.
"But I know that you wouldn't do that willingly so I've got you a present."

"What?" I asked carefully and someone walked in. He had bright green eyes and pitch black hair. I recognised him immediately.

"Yes. You know, your original soulmate? The one you murdered." Lucifer had a proud smile on his face.
"I brought him back and turned him into a hybrid like you." Two large wings suddenly came from his back.

"Hey, Y/N. We can be together again." I couldn't believe what- Who I was looking at.
"Our father brought me back he said if you come with us we can rule over earth. Just the two of us."

"What, no!" Tom moved towards me and I moved back into the wall. I looked at Sam and the others and they were all pulling against the ropes that bound them.
"You're dead. You've been dead for years."

"Yes, Lucifer, he brought me back and made me stronger so that we can be together." He put his hand on the side of my face and with his other hand, he grabbed onto my wing. He kissed me and I tried to push him away, but he was a lot stronger than me.
I brought my knee up, catching him in his manhood, causing him to fall back.

"I said no." The smile was gone from Lucifer's face.

"Fine," He glared at me.
"Tom, kill her then her friends." Lucifer disappeared and I silently cursed him.

"I was going to forgive you for killing me." Tom said, glaring at me and I looked him in the eye, before snapping my fingers.
"What was that supposed to do?" I glanced at Dean, Sam and Rowena who were now free. Dean immediately moved to Cas and broke the angel cuffs that kept him tied up.
"Oh, I'll kill them first then."

"You're not going to touch them." Tom raised his eyebrow at me.

"I used to think that you loved me, but it's obvious how easily you moved on." He looked directly at Sam and moved towards him.

"Back off, freak." Dean shot at him a few times, but it didn't seem to affect him.

"Tommy, please." I said quietly.
"When I knew you, you couldn't kill a spider, why would you kill a person?" He looked at me, his eyes softening a little.

"Y/N," Tom smirked a little.
"I'm better now, stronger, our father made me better."

"Lucifer isn't our father." I snapped instantly.
"Lucifer is a monster and he's punished me to a life that I don't want to live, but those people behind you make it tolerable. They make me forget the monster I am. They make me human again."

"How pathetic." Tom scoffed moving towards me.
"You're going to standby and-" Sam was behind him in a second and before he could get too close, he lit up as an angel blade pierced through his stomach.

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