Chap. 22

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'Twas tomorrow at 9:00 am, and Mario, Luigi, and Daisy had left.

Peach was teaching Bowser Jr. how to properly cook deer meat, while Bowser went out for apples and pig.

When Bowser Jr. had cooked the deer, Peach got hungry and ate half of it in less than five minutes. She then had to take a wee-wee, which in turn made Bowser Jr. eat the deer before Peach came out (you know, just because).

When she did, Bowser came in with another deer, a couple of pigs, three turkeys, and about ten apples. Peach and Bowser Jr. just looked at him. (Peach looked in hunger at the food, while Bowser Jr. was just not believing his eyes.)

"What?" Bowser said. "It's Thanksgiving, after all."

Peach did not know this because she didn't even have a calendar (which was kind of sad, really).

"Are we gonna start eating before Mario and them get back?" Bowser Jr. asked hopefully.

"No," Bowser responded sharply. "Besides, we have a lot of cooking to do. They'll probably return before we finish. Now let's get to work!"

Three and a half hours later, everything got cooked and was ready to eat.

Peach got hungry and ate all the apples before going to take a wee-wee and when she got out, she felt hungry again. She was allowed to eat a single turkey leg, but she finished it off in less than five minutes. She sat in absolute hunger for about two hours, when Mario, Daisy, and Luigi returned. They all sat down at the dining table and ate what they could (with Peach eating the leftovers).

When they got done, Luigi and Bowser took Peach to her room.

"Who all did you visit, Luigi?" Peach asked.

"We visited Rosalina, Donkey Kong, and Kirby," Luigi answered. "Zelda was still trying to help Link recover from that nasty bout of flu, so yeah! The other three would be glad to babysit your child, and they're thinking of taking turns with it."

"I would like that," Peach replied. "I can visit my child, right? So that way, he or she will know that I'm the mother and that I didn't just ditch him or her."

"Of course you can," Luigi replied. "Just make sure Mario doesn't know its yours, and by that I mean don't ever let him see it unless you have one heck of an alibi."

"Oh, I can think of several," Peach murmured.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" asked a voice that caused them all to jump.

They all looked to see Mario.

"We can't tell you," Luigi said. "It's a secret."

"Oh, it's a surprise," Mario muttered. "I won't keep ya." He then left without another word.

"Clever thinking, Luigi," Bowser whispered. "But now we need to be more careful about when and where we have our conversations."

"So, where should we go next time?" Luigi asked.

"Question is, when should we have our next conversation," Bowser replied quietly.

"Well, Mario's going to bring Bowser Jr. and Peach with him next weekend," Luigi said. "We could talk then. And Peach, you could talk to whoever y'all are visiting about the plan."

"Alrighty," Peach whispered. She then rushed to the restroom to take a wee-wee and she returned ten minutes later.

She got hungry, but then she suddenly remembered the apples that she had stowed away under her bed. She grabbed a couple and snarfed them down without hardly trying.

"Well, it's getting late," Luigi said as he got up. "I'm gonna hang out in the living room until I get tired. See y'all in the morning!" He walked out without another word.

Peach looked at the clock, which read 6:32 pm.

It wasn't that late.

"I'm gonna go to bed as well," Bowser said quietly as he got up. "See you later." He then gave her a kiss on the cheek and left Peach to her thoughts.

What am I going to say to them? What am I going to talk about? How am I going to say anything without Mario watching me like a vulture? Oh well. I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it...

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