Chap. 8

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Peach ran out of her room, crying, into bedroom 2. She gave Daisy a hug, then she gave one to Bowser Jr. (who was hesitant, but gave in when he saw the tears on her face).

"Peach, what's wrong?" Daisy asked, concerned.

"What did he do to you?" Bowser Jr. asked angrily, knowing that Bowser had something to do with her being sad.

"I don't know if I wanna talk about it right now," Peach said as she wiped away her tears. "All I know is that I want Mario to come home."

"Did he—" Bowser Jr. started.

Peach interrupted with, "No, nothing that bad."

She decided to stay in bedroom 2, where she felt safe. She even shut the door just because she didn't want Bowser coming in.

After laying down under Daisy's crib for what seemed like forever, Peach heard the familiar sound of the window opening. She opened the door, dashed to the living room, saw Mario, and hugged him.

"What did I do?" Mario asked.

"You came home!" Peach responded with joy.

"If I would've known that I'd be missed this much, I would've taken the night shift," Mario said sarcastically. "But anyways, I need you to go get Dianthus and Clover. We are having a family meeting in living room."

Peach did as she was told and met up with Mario, who had Bowser with him.

"You are all probably wondering why I have assembled you all here," Mario announced. "I have quit my job because they wanted me to work for free. Tomorrow afternoon, I will be leaving for a while. I will be gone all weekend and Monday to look for another job. Luigi and Yoshi will be helping me, so yeah!"

He and Bowser then went to bedroom 3; before they did though, Mario told Peach, "No need to cook for us. We still have some meat from last time."

Peach didn't really care; that just meant less mouths to feed.

She remembered the apples that she had in the fridge and decided to make her and Daisy and Bowser Jr. dinner with those.

It only took her five minutes to make dinner, as she just had to cut them up. There were five slices of apple for them all. For once, though, Peach didn't finish first. She was too busy thinking to herself.

What happened to Bowser? Was he driven mad? Or maybe his feeling were returning? Can Mario help burn off some of his "energy"? I sure hope so...

"Hey, Peach," Bowser Jr. said, interrupting her thinking. "Are you alright?"

"Uh, yes," Peach replied. "I just need sleep."

When she finished her apples, she put the cores in a can and took Daisy and Bowser Jr. to their rooms.

"Sweet dreams," Peach whispered softly as she went to her bedroom.

The sounds of Mario and Bowser "playing rough" kept her up for a bit, but when the clock hit about 1 am, the sounds stopped. She was finally able to sleep without being disturbed.

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