Chap. 27

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Four months later...

The day had come for Peach's question to be answered. (How bad could giving birth possibly be?)

Her water broke while she was still laying down and knew that it was coming near time.

Luigi had already roofied Mario, and Bowser Jr. had to keep an eye on Mario and make sure that he was distracted if he woke up early.

Luigi then went outside to wait for Peach. Peach was in so much pain, however, that Bowser had to carry her. Peach had to stick her arm in her mouth to keep herself from screaming because the pain was so bad.

Eventually, they made it outside. (They had to go out through the living room window because it was the biggest window.) When they got outside, Bowser took Peach into the woods a little ways until they found Rosalina, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Bowser Jr., and Kirby and his friends.

"What are Kirby's friends doing here?" Peach asked.

Kirby babbled, and of course, Peach understood.

"They here to act bodyguards in case Mario comes," Kirby said.

The penguin guy waved at her and put a hot rag on her forehead while Kirby's bat/Kirby-looking friend just went and stood guard with his sword at his side.

Penguin guy took his hammer (how did I not notice that thing, Peach asked herself) and stood next to bat-Kirby to stand guard.

Luigi went to keep an eye on the cabin, just in case Mario came out. There was no stump or anything, so Peach had to be laid on the ground with Kirby holding her head up and Donkey Kong holding her down. She was screaming in pain and tried to fight, but Donkey was strong, so she couldn't get anywhere.

Rosalina was sitting next to Peach, telling her to push. Peach did push, but it hurt like heck.

She didn't know anything about childbirth, but even she knew that it wasn't supposed to hurt this bad. She then remembered exactly what she was giving birth to, but that didn't make the pain recede at all. It was like the pain she experienced in her dream, but it was ten times worse. She tried to get free, but Donkey wasn't letting her. Rosalina checked and said that she could barely see the head. Peach pushed, and the pain got even worse. She didn't need to be told by Rosalina to know that it was halfway out. After that, the pain wasn't as bad (but it was still bad).

Blood was everywhere, and the child was finally in Rosalina's arms. She waved her wand and Peach was no longer in pain, nor was she feeling weak. In fact, Peach felt like she could move the world.

She looked at her child and saw that its eyes were a beautiful sky blue (so the name Lil Red was out). Rosalina said that it was a boy because of the way its hip was.

Peach decided to name him Basilisk Tangerine Hilson. She had decided to make Hilson his last name because he needed a good last name. Plus, they were in the woods, and the law didn't apply to them.

Peach gave him to Rosalina, who talked baby-talk to him. She said all sorts of stuff like, "Hey, lil Basilisk. Aw, you soooo cute..." before Kirby reminded her that they had to get going before Mario came out (if he did). They all (except Peach, Bowser, and Luigi, of course) hopped on Kirby's star.

"Bye, Peach!" they all said before the star took off.

"I'll miss him," Peach said as a tear left her eye.

"It's okay, Peach," Bowser comforted. "Remember, you'll be able to see him whenever you want."

Just then, Luigi and Bowser Jr. came running towards them, and they looked terrified.

"What's the matter?" Peach asked, very concerned.

"It's...Mario," Bowser Jr. said breathlessly. "He got past me and...and came outside. He...he saw you give birth, he saw it, he knows it's yours, dad. I'm sorry! I...I tried to stop him, but...but he wasn't slowing down or anything. He went into his pipe, and I know he's going to look for them. I'm sorry."

"Son, you did what you could," Bowser assured Bowser Jr. as he (Bowser Jr.) started to cry. "And that's all we can ask for. Now we just need to find a way to get to Rosalina before Mario does."

"I can do it," Luigi said as he made a pipe come out of the ground.

"You could do this all along?!" Bowser Jr. exclaimed. "Why didn't you just use this to get around on your own?"

"Hey, you know I can't refuse a free ride," Luigi retorted. "Now are we gonna save Basilisk or what?"

"But wait!" Peach started. "Can't your pipe hold only three at a time?"

"That was Mario's pipe," Luigi replied with a smile. "This is my pipe. It can hold all of us, no worries."

"Well, Peach," Bowser said as they started entering the pipe, "let's go save our child."


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