Chap. 12

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Peach was very nervous, but she swallowed her fear and asked, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday," Bowser said. "I think it's just been a while since...well, you know. I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here."

Peach thought for a little bit.

Does he not know that I went upstairs, even though Mario expressly said not to?

She decided it best not to ask, so she said, "I'm just glad I have someone to talk to again. I thought I didn't have anyone."

"Not anymore," Bowser whispered.

She gave him a hug and carefully snuck the photos she had taken under her bed.

"Anything else you need to tell me?" he asked as he made his way towards the door.

"No," Peach answered quickly while thinking, as long as I don't have to...

"HEY, STOP IT!!!" someone yelled.

Peach and Bowser ran into bedroom 2 to find Daisy and Bowser Jr. fighting over a yo-yo.

"Give it back!" Daisy shouted.

"I had it first!" Bowser Jr. exclaimed as he tugged at the yo-yo.

"Alright, what's wrong with you?!" Bowser yelled.

"She took the yo-yo away from meeeeee!!" Bowser Jr. screamed.

"No, you took it away from me," Daisy said calmly.

"Well then, if neither of you can share it," Peach said as she took away the yo-yo, "then neither of you can have it."

She went and threw the yo-yo upstairs, and she heard something break. She pretended that that never happened as she went to check the clock, which read 6:15 pm. She got Daisy and Bowser Jr. out of their cribs and they all walked to the dining room.

Bowser went hunting and forty-five minutes later, he came back with a dead deer, a headless chicken, and some more apples. Peach put the apples in the fridge and used the deer and chicken to make dinner.

One hour later, she came out with four plates. Peach's had deer meat only, Bowser's had deer meat and a headless and legless chicken, and Daisy's and Bowser Jr.'s had deer meat and a chicken leg, each.

Peach finished first, and when everyone else finished, she took their plates and put them in the sink.

She decided to let Daisy and Bowser Jr. roam for a while since Mario wasn't there to stop it. They walked all around; they even played hide and seek just for the heck of it. Bowser Jr. was the worst hider ever. For instance, he tried to hide under the dining table, and was easily spotted. He also tried to hide in the sink, but only his feet and some of his body could fit.

After about thirty minutes of that, Peach looked at the clock, which read 7:43 pm. She told Daisy and Bowser Jr. to go to bed, which they did (but they weren't happy about it). Peach went to her bedroom and sat down on her bed to look out the window. The sight just never got old; the moonlight reflecting off the tall oak trees. (She thought they were oak. She wasn't really a tree expert.) She felt extremely drowsy, but after about a minute or two of that she didn't feel it anymore.

Weird, Peach thought.

She looked out the window again, but this time, there wasn't a tree in sight.

Instead, it was a desert; there were skulls all over the place, but it was still a desert, nonetheless. She rubbed her eyes, and the tree ocean was back.

I must be drowsier than I thought, Peach thought to herself.

She walked out of the room to find animals everywhere.

What is this, Peach wondered.

She walked around and saw that the window in the living room was open. Without thinking, she hopped out and sniffed the air. It smelled like freedom...and natural pine.

She walked into the forest and before long, she figured that she wasn't going anywhere. She turned back to the cabin, but it was gone; replacing it was more trees.

Oh, come on, Peach complained on the inside. That stupid cabin was right here.

She heard a twig break, and she knew that she was screwed. She ran, knowing that it was pointless.

Eventually, she found a tree that she could climb and she climbed it. She looked around for her pursuer, but saw no one. She decided to stay in the tree until either someone was heard or no one was heard for a while.

No one was heard for a while, so she decided to climb down. Just before she did, however, someone grabbed her shoulder. She looked up and screamed as the eyeless Mario pulled her up.

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