Chap. 19

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Peach somehow made it through the rest of the night without sleeping.

It was 9:00 am when she made her nauseous and hungry way towards the kitchen. The plates were already in place, and the one with just pork was waiting for Peach. She ate it and ran to the restroom, where she proceeded to get sick. After about thirty minutes in the bathroom (she got sick twice, and she had to pee three times), she walked to the kitchen, where she was greeted by Daisy.

"Peach, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Peach asked, having a really skeptical feeling about this.

"Well, I noticed that you seem to be having some symptoms," Daisy answered. "Based on the nausea and hunger, you may be developing diabetes."

Peach was about to say no, but before she could Bowser Jr. came and asked Peach to help him with some sort of toy thing.

When they (just Peach and Bowser Jr.) got to bedroom 2, Bowser Jr. spoke. "I knew she was skeptical," Bowser Jr. said. "She kept me up for a few hours last night, asking me what all could be wrong with you. I managed to keep my mouth shut about the truth, but I did almost let it slip."

"Look, Bowser Jr.," Peach started, "if you're wanting something, and are trying to blackmail me to get it, lemme make it easy: I'll do it."

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Bowser Jr. asked. "I was just letting you know that if anyone tries to question me about what happened that night or about you being ill, I can't promise that I'll be able to keep the secret. Besides, you know I don't use blackmail, not anymore."

"Oh, ok," Peach said slowly. "Well, Daisy thinks I'm diabetic."

"Well, good," Bowser Jr. replied. "You wanna make sure she stays in the dark. I'm not saying she'll rat us out or anything, but if she did find out, she may not be...very supportive."

"Wow, thanks, Bowser Jr.," Peach said sarcastically.

"Does anyone else know the truth?" Bowser Jr. asked.

"Just Luigi," Peach replied.

"You haven't thrown him under the bus, yet?!" Bowser Jr. exclaimed.

"Now you and I both know that I cannot do that," Peach replied softly.

"And why not?" Bowser Jr. asked suspiciously.

"For three reasons, actually," Peach started. "Reason one: he doesn't really deserve it; he's our friend. Reason two: Mario is going to figure out what really happened when he sees me in a few months. And reason three: there is no way to convincingly make it look like Luigi was the culprit."

"Well, you could—," Bowser Jr. started, but was interrupted by Peach. "No I couldn't! And even if I could, I'm still screwed a few months from now."

"You were also screwed a week or two ago..." Bowser Jr. muttered.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Peach screamed.

Bowser Jr., who was very terrified and surprised at the same time, said nothing more.

"That's what I thought," Peach said softly.

She didn't feel like talking to Bowser Jr. anymore; he'd ticked her off so bad that she had to leave before she hurt him. She didn't want to confront Daisy again; she checked her room to see if Daisy had left, and she had. Peach walked in, shut the door, and fell on her bed. She felt some pain as she fell, but that was because the bed was kinda firm and also because the wounds on her back were still healing. She looked at the clock, and it read 10:03 am. She knew it wouldn't be long before she got hungry again, so she wandered to the kitchen to grab some apples, only to find Bowser in the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing here?" Bowser asked.

"Grabbing some apples," Peach replied as she grabbed about three apples.

"Any reason, dare I ask?" Bowser asked.

Peach didn't expect him to ask, but she still had a response, "In case I get hungry."

"Strange," Bowser started. "You've never done this before. Is there something wrong with your health?"

Peach couldn't put it off any longer, and asked, "Can I talk to you? And can we go where no one can hear us?"

"Well, sure," Bowser replied as he led her upstairs and to the room next to the darkroom.

This room was fairly blank except for a single chair and a small table with a candle on it. Bowser shut the door and sat down on the ground with Peach.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"Well," she started. She took a deep breath, and went on. "This isn't going to be easy. Promise you won't tell anyone, and promise that you won't lose your cool."

Bowser, who looked perplexed and kinda nervous, said, "Ok."

"Ok, here goes," Peach started. "I'm carrying a child."

Bowser's eyes widened a little; he already knew where this was going (or at least thought).

Peach went on. "Yes, it is yours, but I'm not gonna ask if you can take care of it or something like that. What I do want is for you to try and think of some way I can have it safely when the time comes."

"Uh..." Bowser mumbled.

Peach could tell he was trying to take it all in.

"I don't know what you mean," he finally said. "What do you mean by wanting to have it safely?"

"I mean have it without Mario knowing," she answered. "I know he won't like it when he sees that this child is also yours. He'll probably kill all three of us, the baby included."

Bowser didn't know what to say, as Peach could tell. They heard the living room window open from downstairs.

"We'll have to discuss this later," Bowser said as they rushed downstairs.

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