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  Garrett swore. He had no choice but knock out the guards, but by doing that he injured himself. That means he better hurry, have a low profile and keep in the shadows. As right and wrong when it came, he take care of his right leg so he wouldn't lose too much blood and made his way into the brothel.
"I have to figure out where she is. If she is a VIP, she must be somewhere upstairs" Garrett moved slowly forward. The wound in his leg was sore and prevented him from moving quickly. That wouldn't itself be a problem, now everyone here was drugged with opium. Even the guards inside, seemed to be of the world. That was until he heard the Baron's voice and he the spot petrified.
"How does she do it?"
"She must worked in yet. You made her a VIP. You brought her here in the first place. I see that she don't want this" Garrett recognized the voice of Madam Xiao Xiao.
"You've had so many girls who didn't want this in the beginning"
"They are used to it and because I could see that they would find this ultimately fun. When heris different. She screams bloody murder out. This is not something for her to do. Get her out of here!"
"You need new girls and I gave you one. You gave you a diamond of a girl. You will tame her, Madam Xiao Xiao. And preferably today. My personal guard would like to relax and a made him promise he can get her" The Baron laughed. Then he walked away. Madam Xiao Xiao sighed.
"I give everything to get her out of here. And to cut your throat" Madam Xiao Xiao ran the opposite direction and disappeared into her office. Garrett got an idea. He looked around before he walked to the office and went inside. Madam Xiao Xiao held a dagger pointed at him.
"I'm not here to do something to you" said Garrett.
"I know you" said Madam Xiao Xiao.
"And I'm not here to steal anything" said Garrett. Madam Xiao Xiao seemed somewhat calm, but was wary.
"What are you doing here?"
"I come for (Name)" said Garrett. Madam Xiao Xiao dropped her dagger and looked at Garrett as if he was God himself. "I've heard the Baron. Where can I find her?"
"She's upstairs" said Madam Xiao Xiao. Garrett nodded and wanted to leave, but Madam Xiao Xiao stopped him. "The Baron is with her. And you're injured" Garrett looked at her. "Let me at least take care of you"
"I want (Name)"
"The Baron stays with her, till her ..." Madam Xiao Xiao swallowed. Garrett could cleary see she hate it. "Her client comes here. You can't do anything without my help. Let me take care of first. And then I'll help you" Garrett couldn't help but nod. He didn't have much choice. If he wanted her out of here safe and well, he can use the help. Madam Xiao Xiao let two girls come, who would help Garrett.

It took a long time for Madam Xiao Xiao came back. The Baron was gone and his personal guard was sitting with (Name). Garrett didn't dare to think about what he will do with her. He was mad. Madam Xiao Xiao, however, had bad news. The guard, Jean-Pierre, had the door locked and Madam Xiao Xiao doesn't have a spare key for the door. Garrett stood up and left the office. Madam Xiao Xiao didn't stopped him, but had a nasty feeling about it. Garrett crept through the shadows. Because he was too fast and reckless, he was spotted a few times, but could always fool the guards. Down the stairs, he heard (Name), shouting for help.
"You do what I say! I paid a fortune for you!"
"Let me go!" Garrett ran upstairs and kicked the door in. Jean-Pierre had (Name) pinned against the wall. They both looked up. Jean-Pierre in fury and (Name) in relief.
"You made a big mistake, thief!" Jean-Pierre let go of (Name) and drew his sword. Garrett dodged each swing, trying not to be hit, while tries to knock Jean-Pierre out. Madam Xiao Xiao entered the room and saw the whole scene. She didn't call the guards, because don't want to force someone who don't want this. She got (Name) in the eye.
"(Name)! Come!" (Name) looked at her and stood up. "Come with me, my dear" Madam Xiao Xiao took her to her office. Garrett looked at them, in his peripheral vision.
"You're not getting out of here alive, thief!" Garrett looked around the room. In a split second, he grabbed a chair and threw it to Jean-Pierre increasing. He stumbled and Garrett left the room, walking to the office. Jean-Pierre followed him. "Thief! Guards!" The other guards were distracted by the girls. Jean-Pierre still managed to tackle Garrett. He was ready to give Garrett a final blow. "Goodbye" Halfway he stopped, like a statue. He couldn't move. His eyes bulged and his mouth was open, as if he would say something, but could make no sound. A few seconds later fell to the ground. From his back stuck a dagger. Garrett looked up. (Name) looked at the body of Jean-Pierre.
"You have to go!" said Madam Xiao Xiao and pushed her toward Garrett. Garrett nodded, thanked her and pulled (Name) from the brothel.

Garrett sat in the windowsill, staring out, while (Name) was changing. He made it out alive, despite his wound. If he hadn't got the help of Madam Xiao Xiao and her girls, it would have taken much longer for him to get (Name) out. (Name)! Lost her mother and put into a brothel and she can still murder someone, without a tremor in her body. Like she has done this before.
"I never thought it would feel so good to wear this again" Garrett looked behind him. He was away from the image he saw. "And now I have no more reason to wear a dress, I'm happy that I can wear it always. Thank you" said (name).
"You're welcome. Come on. There are some who will be glad to see you back" Garrett left his hideout. (Name) followed him.

Basso was delighted that (Name) was safe. He treated them in The Siren's Rest. Even the customers who were there got a round. Jenivere sat on the shoulder of (Name). She was also pleased that (Name) was back. Garrett was sitting separate. This whole festival thing isn't for him and he was silent, mostly. (Name) didn't like it either and she wanted to get away. She still had to find a shelter where she could stay.
"I must go" she said and stood up.
"What are you going to do?" Said Basso.
"I still have to find a shelter. I don't think I'm welcome to the rest of my family. If they are still alive"
"You can stay with me" said Garrett.
"And take the risk to steal your collectables? Or you mine? Thank you, but no. I'll let you know where" said (Name). Jenivere flew up and sat on the shoulder of Garrett. (Name) took her stuff and left The Siren's Nest.
"She surprise me every day" said Basso.
"She killed somebody and the fear was clearly visible on her face. How can she change so fast?"
"She's like you, Garrett. Someone who switches off his emotions and doesn't show them unless they find someone they trust" said Basso. Garrett sighed and went himself to his hideout. Now (Name) is safe, he can accept jobs again.

Steal Something Untouchable Garrett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now