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  Basso doesn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. Both Garrett and (Name) took one job after another and bring it to a successful end. Of course Basso is glad that they aren't badly hurt, but somehow he hoped that they would work together and ... that there would be something more.

(Name) has found a hideout somewhere in the neighborhood of The Siren's Rest, but she is afraid that she couldn't stay there for long. She wanted to consider taking the offer of Garrett, but she would't take the risk of being seen and put Garrett unnecessarily in danger. Until a guard came too close to her current place. She could lure him away, but she knew that this was a temporary solution. So she stood, after she hit the guard knockout, for the entrance of the Clock Tower and crept inside. This time she looked out for traps. Garrett wasn't there. At least, that's what she thought. She looked at his collections and the necklace 'Angel of Heaven' attacked her in the eye.
"A new collection start. Who knows, I find more of it" (Name) looked up. Garrett was leaning against a box and looked at her.
"You think? I have heard that there aren't much of it and the items are very expensive" said (Name).
"One more reason to visit the Baron again"
"Then you just go on your own" said (Name).
"What are you doing?" Garrett asked.
"Does your offer still on?"
"My offer?"
"To share your hideout me me?" Garrett became silence. (Name) sighed. "A guard has almost found my hiding place" she said. "And even though I prefer a hideout for myself, I wouldn't want to be detected and handed over to the Baron by a stupid second-range guard" (Name) sounded angry. And rightly so, found Garrett.
"Why did you take my offer not from the start? Are you so worried about your collections? "Garrett grinned.
"No!" Said (Name), to the amazement of Garrett. "Oh, don't be suprised, Garrett. And don't even pretend you didn't like it ... that one night"
"I was trying to forget it, to be honest" said Garrett.
"Oh, great. Good to know. Maybe it isn't that bad. I mean: I can fool the guards, but I don't know for how long. I look out for another hideout, in case it gets wrong. Thanks anyway" (Name) took one last look at the collections, for she walked up the stairs. Garrett past her by unseen and pressed her against a pillar.
"I was trying to forget it, (Name). But as I said before, I can't forget you"
"I don't know whether I should be flattered or insulted" said (Name).
"Anyway, I want nothing more than to have you here with me" said Garrett.
"Nice try, Garrett" (Name) pushed him away from her. "But first telling that you want to forget it, and now you're trying to seduce me again?" Garrett growled and (Name) searched disappointment and anger. She was wary, but somehow ... she felt guilty. With what has been happening lately, her love and her passion for Garrett are cooled. Not that he has to any fault - he saved her - but she must still deal with the death of her mother and she didn't want to think if the Baron finds out that she is a thief. Garrett made no move for a second seduction.
"My offer is still on" he said, turning away. (Name) watched as he walked down the steps and make place for her collections. (Name) had a nasty, but the atmosphere was too sharp to say anything. So she decided to get her stuff.

~ One week later ~

(Name) was most of the time alone in the Clock Tower. She askes Basso to stop giving her jobs, so that she could handle her mother's death in peace. Garrett took still on assignments, but wanted, somehow, take away the pain and suffering of (Name) or at least reduce it.
"Don't worry about me" did (Name) often told. "Before you know it, I'm on the road again and who knows ... I steal more than you!" (Name) always smiled when she said that last one and Garrett was more than relieved that she could still laugh. But the smile vanished like snow in the sun and Garrett always left her behind like that ... alone and broken.
"I can bear it no longer, Basso" Garrett was walking around in frustrations and Basso become nervous.
"You can't do much, Garrett. She needs time"
"You should see the look on her face"
"Garrett. Pal. I've never seen you like this before" said Basso. Garrett growled and Basso laughed. "It's good to see that you don't totally emotionless. As I said it before, she just like you. But who am I to say anything about it" Basso turned away from him, to see where he sat down. When he looked back up, Garrett had disappeared.

~ Clock Tower ~

Garrett found his hideout abandoned. (Name) was nowhere to be seen. The only thing he found was a matchbox. The message of Basso was crossed out and a new one was about to read.

Been to the priest. I need to talk to him about my mother. If I'm not back before sunrise, then come find me.
~ (Name)

Garrett took it to seriously, to wait for her to return. He left the Clock Tower.
(Name) was sitting on a chair, while the priest sat in the old sofa of the Queen. The priest was good friends with her and had no reason to fear the thieves in the city. He said there were worse things in the city than thieves, what (Name) could agree.
"So you wanted to talk about your mother?" Nodded (Name). "I have not seen you, when I came along, two days after the death"
"I ... I wanted to save you some...images, Father!"
"Did he touch you?" (Name) nodded.
"And he has beaten me"
"The Baron had never been the holiest" sighed the priest. "But I'm glad I can see you now. I wanted to know how you took it all in"
"It's all right. I look sometimes in the distance, for some long time, but I know that she is now with my father and she's happy...where she is "(Name) looked up.
"And you?" (Name) sighed.
"I'll be over it. I have someone I can talk to if I need it"
"You mean Basso?" Asked the priest. (Name) laughed.
"Okay. 2. I meant another thief.
"You know him?" Asked (Name).
"I once asked him to steal a cross of the Church by the Baron. Black Tax or not, sacred artifacts will not be confiscated"
"Yes. Even though this is his life, he does much good. Still, not a bad Master Thief"
"Your father wasn't bad either"
"He steal for us. And now I steal for myself and I collect stuff. Just like Garrett"
"You look in some ways indeed like him," said the priest. "It would surprise me more if you split up and wouldn't see each other, with all the will in the world" (Name) looked at him.
"What do you mean?" The priest laughed.
"The Queen told me, and I see it. Love is all around you and Garrett" The sound of glass that fell on the ground, both of them went on watching.
"Who is there?" Asked the priest. (Name) took her bow and pitched a Broadhead Arrow on. She crept slowly toward where the sound came from. She walked around the corner and held her bow at the ready.
"Garrett! Shit! Will you give me a heart attack?" Garrett walked her to the priest.
"Hello Garrett" Garrett nodded.
"Had I not asked you to wait until I come back?"
"I had a job" said Garrett. (Name) stopped her bow away and crossed her arms as if she didn't believe him. Garrett didn't speak.
"Good. Then don't tell me. Could you leave us for a few minutes?" asked (Name) and sat back down. Garrett looked at her, before he turned and left them alone.

Steal Something Untouchable Garrett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now