Chapter Nineteen

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 "What?" James asked.

He put down his food and clenched his hands into fists, but rested them on the table. Phoebe widened her eyes, trying to warn Elliott to tread carefully around the subject of someone that James cared about so much, but he ignored her, his eyes strong and steady on James. He shifted himself so that they appeared the same age and for a moment she couldn't help but compare them. Elliott had wide shoulders just like James, but the Elemental's jaw was less square, his cheeks a little fuller. There was always some childish innocence in his face, no matter how old he appeared. The blonde hair flapping into his eyes didn't help the image.

"When you guys were flying about or what nonsense, I was distracting the ground troops, correct? And once I led them in a couple of circles they got the hint and went crawling back to Cicero. I followed them. Now, I already knew, in general, where Cicero was because I could sense my sister nearby. I'm sneakier than her you see; less flashy about my shifts, so I can usually hide myself from her.

"Anyway, he had a camp set up. A big series of tents for his army. I thought it was strange that he was keeping them all so close, but it makes sense if he figured he should amass and come after you in one strike. But I was thinking about it, and how did he happen to camp so close to us? You said you traveled to Maryland for Bruce, right?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with this?" Phoebe asked. "I shifted, that's what brought them to us. Your sister sensed it and pointed him in our direction. Isn't it?" She addressed the last question to James, but he was motionless, his fists still resting with a false carelessness that made her nervous. He didn't answer her.

"Cicero and my sister were talking," Elliott continued, "and I hate to think it, but I believe she may be his second. He must find her pretty powerful to rise so quickly within his ranks, which I guess is good for us to know. That she's the most powerful piece in his arsenal, I mean. She makes people feel calmer than they should. I'm sure he likes that about her. That's not important. Anyway...they were talking about back up plans. Cicero was angry that there seemed to be two dragons when he thought there should only be one. He kept saying that he was waiting for 'the boy,' and I can only assume that meant you," he pointed his chin at James, "to make a mistake and... take the poison."

Phoebe looked at James, a dark idea coalescing in her head, but it couldn't be true.

"I didn't understand what that meant, but Phoebe said the psychic gave you a chameleon potion so I...I tested it."

"You what? You took it from me?" James stood. Elliott and Phoebe went very still.

Elliott held up his hands. "Look, I just wanted to make sure it was safe. I didn't want you to die. I think that was very considerate of me." He waited for a minute and James took his seat again, although his breathing was coming a little too fast for Phoebe to relax. His muscles were tight, as if he might leap across the table any second and strangle the life from the Elemental's neck.

"It was poisoned. Bruce was working with Cicero."

"You don't know that," Phoebe rushed to defend Bruce, placing a hand on James' arm as he started to glow. "For all we know Cicero poisoned it a long time ago."

"He just happened to know that Bruce was your Book Keeper and that he would give you that potion sometime in the unforeseen future? Then why wasn't he lying in wait for you there?"

"Why would he kill Bruce, then?" she asked.

"Well, I think it was because of you."

Phoebe's mouth dropped open and her heart faltered. "I...what?"

"Well, because of what he gave you," Elliott explained. "I don't think he was supposed to. Cicero made it sound like Bruce crossed him. The only thing I can figure is that he was supposed to give James the poison, call Cicero, and let the hunt begin. If Cicero knew where James was he could corner him and either kill him, or force him to take the potion to try and escape. Either way, a win-win. He ends up dead."

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