Chapter Fifteen

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 They panicked. Packing in a flurry, they almost left the laptop on the table. It was only because of a last second scan that they remembered the stolen computer had a history of their searches and couldn't be left behind. Besides, Phoebe reasoned, they might need it again. The key was thrown on the bed and Phoebe quietly lowered the jingling box from Bruce's store into the trash. The last thing they needed was for the sound of it while they were running to make James high again.

James watched the parking lot for anything or anyone out of place before giving the OK and dashing with Phoebe back into the forest, heading this time toward downtown. They kept to the trees, but always with an eye on the road, looking for vans full of tigers or hunters packed into rented cars. James was nervous, his eyes constantly moving, the sweat between their hands an ever present warning. Phoebe wasn't the fastest runner but she pushed past the burning in her throat and pumped her legs harder against the ground. There had been no sign of hunters or any supernatural being nearby, but it felt as if someone was chasing them. Someone was closing in.

She swore she could hear more than just her own winded breath. Another pair of stomping feet. Something knew they were there. No, no she was just being paranoid. James cast a glance over his shoulder, checking behind them to make sure they weren't being followed. Did he feel it too? Was someone catching up to them?

"Where are we going?" she gasped as they ran through another copse of densely packed trees, the branches catching on James' sweatshirt, still warm on her shoulders.

"Honestly, I don't know. But we need to get far away from here. Maybe we should hit the bus station again. Or a train."

"Do you think we'd be safer in the city, or should we stay out here?" They slowed and she took deep breaths as she spoke. Her muscles were already tired, even though James carried both duffels. At least they were able to get rid of his backpack, now that all of Phoebe's demolished clothing meant she had more room in her duffel for some of James' things. Having less to carry was a blessing right now. "We could keep running toward the city limits," she continued. "Hitchhike, maybe? Or...Oh my god," she inhaled sharply, "I know!" Putting her hands on her knees, she smiled up at him. "I know what we should do."

James wasn't breathing with nearly as much difficulty, but there was a slight sheen to his face and arms.

"Okay, what?"

"Isn't it obvious? We should fly! You know—" she flapped her arms "like, shift and fly! They'll be looking for you and a girl, not two dragons. They won't be watching the skies right? The train station, the bus station; that's where they'll be looking." Phoebe knew it was a long shot that she'd be good at flying right away, given that she could barely walk when she had fully shifted, but the second the thought of shifting occurred her warning system had flushed warmth over her chest and her arms like a gentle embrace. She wasn't going to use that as her defense but she knew without a doubt that she needed to convince James to shift with her.

James rubbed a hand along his jaw, which was sporting a fair amount of stubble. Phoebe's eyes followed the motion and she itched to scratch it with her fingers and discover the texture. Or kiss him and let the roughness scrape her chin.

"I mean, I guess you're right about the transportation routes but... two dragons aren't going to be easy to hide. I've only ever flown at night to be safe. We can't afford to be seen, even when we're not being targeted for a hunt like this. The energy you put out earlier will have drawn them to the area, but if Elliott is luring them away, there's a chance we could shift and whoever can sense us will be too far on his trail to feel it."

"We can go deeper into the forest, shift, and go directly above the cloud cover," Phoebe offered. "Straight up. One of them might sense us change but we'll be flying away, what are they going to do? They can't catch us. We'll be fast. People won't have the chance to see us, it would only take us a minute, right?"

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