Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P5)

Start from the beginning

"(Fake boy name)!" You heard captain Kirkland called. You couldn't reply because you were drowning but you tried to keep yourself up. You heard a splash noise as you saw Arthur swimming towards you. It was  dangerous yet he still took that risk.  The crew threw down a floater as they waited for Arthur to get you. You flung around gasping for air, but you could feel yourself fading. You could feel Arthur grab you and ten he grabbed onto the floater. The crew quickly drew you both back in and helped your body up. 

"Stand back! He needs air!" Arthur shouted trying to listen to your breathing. You weren't breathing at all since you swallowed to much water that you needed SPR. 

~Arthur's POV~

I quickly placed my hands on his chest, but I felt something really weird. It felt squishy, yet soft too. I didn't really care as long as I got him back to breathing. I started to add pressure to his chest, and then pushed his chest down. Now his chest felt defiantly weird, almost like a girls. I started to push more and add more pressure, but he still wasn't breath. Now I had no choice but to do mouth to mouth. I tiled his head up and quickly set my lips over his. They were soft, I didn't think they were gonna be this soft. What the hell am I thinking?! I'm suppose to be saving his life! I puffed and huffed air into his mouth, and then I listened for any breathing. I tried again and again until he spat out water. 

~Back to your own POV~

You violently coughed out water and gasped for air. You got up slowly and   kept coughing as Arthur was rubbing your back. You thought you were gonna die but luckily you were alive. 

"T-thank you *cough* Captain..." You managed to say through your coughing. He nodded as he kept rubbing your back. The stormed ended later as you changed into a new pair of clothes. You unpinned your hair and you hanged your hat besides you. You hanged your regular clothes up and sighed. You thought of how Arthur saved our life. He did do SPR, so that mean...he kissed you! Well not really because it was between life and death. But still, he did touch your chest too. You didn't want to think about it. You sighed loudly and plopped in your bed looking up at the ceiling.

"I wonder if Arthur felt anything weird..." You whispered to yourself as you closed your eyes falling asleep. 

~Arthur's POV~ 

I went back to my room and changed into another set of clothes since mines were wet. When I was done, I sat on my bed and thought about (fake boy name). I looked at my hand and squeezed it repeatingly. His chest was soft and squishy. And his lips were soft, super soft. Now that I think about it, he did look like a girl in somewhat way. His chest was soft and squishy, and his had really soft lips. Which means...he could really be a girl...but that isn't impossible right? But I haven't seen him with his hat off, ever before. Now I just have to find out, if (fake boy name) is a boy, or a girl...

~back to your POV~ 

You opened your eyes and yawned. You weren't really tired now, so you got up. You went over to your clothes to see if they were dry yet. As you thought, they weren't dried yet. You sighed and decided to have a look outside. You grabbed your hat and tucked your hair in, not wanting to pin your hair up. It was already night as the moon shined. The boat swayed slowly and swiftly, making it comfortable to look at the moon. You  leaned against the edge even tho you just fell across it not to long ago. You looked at the moon and you felt the breeze. You decided to walk around the boat to see if there was anything interesting. You then saw a man with messy blonde hair, and green eyes staring at the moon. It was the captain for some reason! You approached him and he turned around, looking right into your (color eyes) orbs.

"Oh, (fake boy name), what are you doing out here so late?" He asked you as walked to his side. 

"Nothing, just wanted some fresh air." You said looking at the moon again but with Arthur by your side. You both were silent for a minute until he broke the silence. 

"(Fake boy name)..." Arthur said. You replied with a short 'Hm'. 

"Are you a girl?" He asked all the sudden. This made you shocked. Maybe he found out that you were a girl after that incident. You gulped before you replied. 

"What makes you think that captain?" You said looking at him. He turned to look at you, his green eyes looking back you at yours. His hair flowed with the wind and then he touched your hat. 

"Hey (fake boy name), what's under this hat?" He said looking curious. You quickly smacked his hand away and replied nervously. 

"N-nothing captain." You said giving him a look. He looked at you in dis-believe and reached for your hat again. You grabbed your hat and pulled down on your head so he couldn't move it. Sadly, he was able to take off your hat. You didn't have your hair pinned this time and your (hair color) hair fell down swiftly. His eyes widened as he looked at you. You were a girl in front of his eyes, and worst, it was the captain that knew you were a girl. What would happen to you now? 

To be continued...

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