what does keith have to say (the end)

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Lance and Keith get to the training room, "soo, ugh, what's your answer?" Keith nervously asks (referring to his confession), "I like you too, I have since the garrison" lance blushes, just hearing that makes Keith blush "you, you do?" Keith questions, "yes, and will for much longer" lance says, Keith pulls lance into kiss, as the two pull away they both smile, "can I tell you something?" Keith's face turns into a confused face, "yes, of coarse" Lance's expression turns into a frown,  "first I want to go to the others to tell you all" Keith says, "ok?" Lance says worried, they walk out to the main room, and ask allura to get everyone to come to the main room. Allura does so, when everyone is in the room pidge asks "what is it allura?" "Not me keith" allura says proudly with a smile on her face, everyone is confused, Keith speaks up "I, ugh" "it's ok Keith, take your time" hunk says, "*sigh*, I believe you" Keith confesses, "believe us about what?" Pidge says knowing what she's doing, "you've convinced me that it was a dream and I'm sorry for making it harder for you to--" Keith tears up, "it's ok Keith" everyone agrees, "you were only doing what you believed was right", everyone embrases Keith with big hug, "I'm glad I have friends like you" Keith says with a smile.

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