allura is getting at something

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Keith and lance wake up to see allura taking a sneaky photo of them cuddled together. Keith jumps and gets defensive and hugs lance closer to protect him. Allura says "Keith it's ok I'm not here to hurt to I'm just here to talk to you" Keith calmed down but is still ready to attack and let's go of lance, "I just wanted to ask if we were able to form voltron with you and 'not trust you' because your gulra. How are we able to do that?, forming voltron needs everyone to trust everyone" allura explains to Keith, "well, ugh maybe ugh" Keith struggles to think of an argument as allura waits patiently for an answer, "clearly its possible because you did it" Keith says "but how is it possible?" Allura digs further knowing Keith would get angry, " I dont know maybe you let your guard down for a tick to form voltron" keith gets frustrated, allura sees that Keith is getting angry so she has to choices, to dig up more info and try to make Keith realize it's just a dream or leave and not destroy there chances even more. Allura thinks for a few ticks before getting up to say good bye, "I can see your getting an---" allura gets cut off "yeah because you keep trying to make me think that you trying to kill us wasnt a dream" Keith cuts of allura, "I'm sorry I made you angry, I was just trying to say good bye and if you want breakfast it's in the kitchen" allura continues to say calmly holding back her tears because he still believes that they tried to kill them. Allura exits the room with a slow and steady pace to try not scare kieth, allura gets to the door and looks back to give a wave good bye then looks down to frown and walks off back to the kitchen. Keith looks at lance with a sad face and says "I just dont know what to think anymore" "what do you mean?" Lance says know Keith is taking about his dream but trying to dig further, "allura had a good point but I could be possible because the paladins all need to be willing to form voltron, so they were willing to form voltron with me aswell" Keith softly says, "well she does have a good point" lance starts pretending to think out loud, a few tick later, "I dont know either" lance says, "if it didnt happen then you would be able to say if it happened or not," Keith questions, lance has a really hard choice and thinks for a few ticks "I dont remember the day before" lance dodges the question, Keith knows that something is up with lance and wants to ask about why he was sad last night, but doesnt and says "let's go get breakfast" "yeah let's go" lance is quick to dismiss the next question from Keith.

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