Stray Kids Reacting to Their S/O Writing a Fanfic of Them

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A/N: This was originally posted on my tumblr (channiechanchan) which has gifs reaction. I don't want to add the gifs on here cause I didn't make them and I don't want to repost it. So if you want to see the gifs just visit my tumblr blog haha.


• We all know that he stalks what the fans are posting via google and twitter, possibly tumblr too👀

• What he didn't know was that you had a blog dedicated to his group

• So as Chan was scrolling through his personal twitter

• His eyes caught something, "Oooh what is this tweet about my lovely bubs~!"

• Curiosity killed the cat so he clicked on it

• And was met with "a whole new world...." the fanfic world oof

• He started reading your works, especially your writing of him

• And Chan literally fell in love with you even more

• "How many hidden talents does Y/N have?" he mumbles

• "Oooof Y/N is so cutee~~"

• I feel like Chan would fanboy so muchh

• You walk in on him pretty much giggling at who knows what

• "Channie are you okay?" you ask him as you sat next to him

• Chan sits up and just smiles at you while ruffling your hair

• "What have you been imagining in that pretty little head of yours~?"

• You're like boi what tf are you talking about?

• He shows you what he has been reading

• "[Insert URL here] you're so talented and I love you even more~!"

• Your eyes were about to pop out of your eye socket

• "How the hell did you find that?!"

• "I have my ways bubs~~"

• "You know you have the real Chan right here, so there's no need for you to write how it is to be with meeeee." he giggles

• You roll your eyes at his response, "But please don't read anymore..." you pleaded

• Chan gave you a pout, "Why not?"

• "Because it's embarrassing... I have an image to uphold in this relationship"

• Chan giggles again, "Pfft what image are you trying to uphold? We all know you're a softie for the boys, especially me~"

• "Besides I think it's cute~! And we should do all the things you wrote!! That picnic date sounds fun also that water park date" Chan added as he wraps his "longer arms than his height" arms around you

Minho(Lee Know):

• Minho is so curious about what you are doing on your laptop that I see him snooping over your shoulders when you're writing👀

• He'd sneak up behind you and act like he's cleaning something or just stretching

• But he's actually just trying to figure out what you're doing and what website you're using

• He sees that it's tumblr so he researches about that site and found it pretty interesting

• He made a private blog👀 so no one can find him lol

• Now that he made a blog he must find out your URL

• Detective Lee Know is now activated

• So he can do some stalking when he's bored

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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