Wake Up - Han Jisung

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Y/N was sleeping deeply in her bed, when her brother Gray walked in and tried to wake her up to notify Y/N that her boyfriend, Jisung was here. She didn't budge at all. The only reason why she was in such deep slumber was because for the past few days and nights; due to work and school back to back, She barely managed to squeeze in nine hours of sleep. Last night, she and her classmate were setting up a game for an event at their school that was happening in a couple of days. She didn't go to bed until three hours ago. So she was pretty much dead tired and her body needed to rest. She knew that today was her day off and she planned to sleep in. And that's why she gave no response, despite the many methods Gray and Jisung tried on her.

Gray called her name a bunch of times, but no response. He even shook her, but she remained still and silent as a log. Gray grabbed her foot and tugged on it, but she was still unresponsive. Gray then tickled her foot, yet she remained still. Gray gave Jisung a helpless look and patted him on the shoulder before walking out of Y/N's room. Jisung let out a sigh as he attempted to wake up his slumbering princess.

First he sweetly called her by her name, but nothing, no response at all. Next he tried to pat her awake, still nothing. After that, Jisung shook Y/N while calling her name. He still got no response. He shook her harder, putting a little more force, but she was not disturbed.(honestly me) She continued to sleep on without a care to her boyfriend's existence. Jisung didn't want to do this, but he wanted his girlfriend to notice him. He hadn't gotten the chance to be with her because of her busy schedule and his own as well. So he thought that today they could at least spend time together since the both of them were free. Anyways, Jisung went with it and hoped that she wouldn't be too upset. Jisung yelled in her ear while forcibly shaking her back and forth with much vigor. After a few seconds, Jisung thought he had succeeded in waking up Y/N, but he was wrong, it had no effect at all, and she continued her deep slumber.

Jisung let out a defeated sigh, but he didn't want to give up just yet. His last attempt was jumping on her bed and calling out her name. In the end, he just tired himself out as he collapsed onto the bed beside his still sleeping girlfriend. After catching his breath, Jisung rose from Y/N's bed and looked down at her with a pout. He pondered on what to do next, but he didn't want to do anything that was too drastic. He could dump water on her, but that was a little too mean since he knew she'll murder him. If not that, she would beat the crap out of him, even if he was her boyfriend. So in the end, Jisung decided to just send her a text message in which he'd hope they would eventually hang out later that day.

Just as Jisung sent the text and was about to leave, he heard her phone dinged indicating she received his message. He then turned to face his girlfriend when he heard her rustling in her bed. Without Y/N noticing, Jisung watched her as she stirred awake to check her phone. Jisung let out an unbelievable scoff as his girlfriend instantly woke up to the sound of her phone's ringtone. After all the attempts to wake her up, this soft sound woke her up eventually?! He let out another scoff when he saw his girlfriend check her message and shut the case of her phone and went back to her slumber.

"Unbelievable." Jisung let out with a twitch in his right eye. "Just, unbelievable."

With his jaws set, he marched over to his girlfriend's bed, jumped up in the air, and fell on top of her while glomping her. Y/N stirred again as she wondered who it was that was hugging her and knocked the wind out of her. She tried to remove the covers, but the person on top of her prevented her from doing so.

"Get off of me." she ordered the person.

"No." Jisung replies.

Y/N raised an eyebrow and she instantly became slightly awake. She wondered who's voice that was since he didn't sound like any of her brothers. "Who's there?"

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