Pool Day - Chan

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It was one sunny Saturday here in Seoul when you heard a car honked in front of your house. You looked outside and immediately knew who it was, your boyfriend Chan. You and Chan planned to go swimming today due to the hot weather and he was here to pick you up. You stared at the clock and smiled, "He's right on time as usual."

You grabbed your bag and quickly wore your shoes. You ran out of the house and bolted towards your boyfriend's car. Chan greeted you with a hug and pecked your lips.

"Are you ready?" Chan asked and you nodded and chimed, "I can't wait!"

Chan smiled at your cuteness and grabbed your bag and threw in the trunk.

"I can't wait either!" Chan said still smiling while opening the passenger door for you.

The two drove to the water park and it took them about an hour until they reached their destination.

Chan paid for two tickets and the couple walked inside. You followed Chan like a lost puppy since it's your first time at a water park. Not knowing what to do you held onto Chan's hand and followed him. Chan then opened a door halfway and noticed that you were still with him, he stopped and turned around to face you, "Why are you following me?" he asked with a grin.

"Umm... I don't know what to do.." you muttered. Chan chuckled softly, "This is the boys locker room babe."

"Ohh..." you blushed and looked down while playing with your hair tie on your wrist.

"Umm where's the girls locker room?" you asked still feeling embarrass.

"It's the next door to your right babe, but I mean you can come and change with me if you want." Chan said while smirking and opened the door wide for you. I mean there's those family changing room ;)

"Ummm... No thanks" you said and bolted towards the girls locker room.

You already had your bikini under your clothes so all you had to do was take off your clothes and bam lol. You grabbed your stuff and walked out of the locker room. You scanned the crowd to see if Chan is around but you didn't see him. You sat by the benches and waited for Chan to come out.

"Why is he taking so long?" you sighed and slouch down. As if on cue the door from the boys locker room opened and Chan walked out. You waved at him and gave him a smile, Chan then waved and smiled back. Then you noticed his well-toned body! This is actually your first time seeing him shirtless and damn seeing him like that made your jaw drop.

"What's wrong?" Chan asked while waving a hand in front of your face. She's shook and suddenly feels thirsty

You shook your head, *Snap out of it!* you thought and smiled, "Nothing. Let's go?" you casually say and wrapped your arm to Chan's and dragged him towards the pool.

"Should we leave our stuff here?" Chan asked while pointing at a table that was unoccupied.

"That seems like nice spot." you replied and placed your stuff on one of the chairs.

A group of girls in bikinis then walked past you and Chan, she saw Chan look up. BOIIII WATCH OUT

You looked at him and gave Chan a hard push and he fell into the cold water and you laughed at him. TOLD YA!

"YAH!! What was that for??" he yelled, but you just laughed while sitting at the edge of the pool with your feet in the water. Chan then grabbed your foot and carefully pulled you towards the cold water. You let out a shriek as your skin made contact with the cold water. This time it was Chan's turn to laugh and you pouted at your boyfriend's actions and started to walk to the other end of the pool.

Chan stopped laughing and cleared his throat, "Sorry you asked for it."

"You started it!" you retorted. "Looking at other girls." you mumbled but Chan still heard it.

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