Will You Wait For Me? - Chan

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Bang Chan doesn't know how many minutes have already passed as he stared at the girl in front of him, yet he didn't feel like it was enough to appreciate her beauty. He watched as Y/N took out some of her fries and held it in front of his face, while smiling.

A smile that he never seem to escape from, even in his dreams.

"Hello, earth to Bang Chan!!" Y/N says as she waves her hand in front of Chan. He woke up from his trance at what the girl in front of him said, while laughing, "Yo, where have you been? You have been staring at the air for like 5 minutes!" to which he only ignores and just decided to take the fries from her hand.

That was when she retracted her hand that was holding the fries before he could take it. "What the heck?" he retorted. "Who says I wanted to give this to you?" she asked jokingly before Chan could even say anything more, making him widened his eyes and then laughed because of how childish she was acting.

That was one of the many traits that became the reason why he fell for her.

That night, they went to Y/N's house to watch It. She's a big fan of horror movies, unlike him who much prefer children fairy tales over horror since he was scared of ghosts. If Chan could be with her, he would always be willing to watch horror movies, even if it means he would be peeing his pants out of scariness.

Chan munched the popcorn one after another, when he felt someone slapped his arm. "Stop eating! It will be finished before the movie even starts, sheesh." she nagged while pouting, he found that to be extremely adorable, that it made him do things that she hates just so he could see that expression.

Halfway through the movie, he could not be sure if he could be there any longer. He felt nauseous, his heart was throbbing like it would fall from his chest as he watched the clown appear on the huge TV screen before he screamed. Chan could hear the sound of laughter coming from Y/N who is seated right beside him, then he felt an arm enveloping him in a small hug while a hand rubbed his back in a consoling manner. "Why do you always agree to watch this kind of movies when you know you will be having nightmares after?" she whispered and sighed.

*Because I want to be with you, idiot.* is what Chan wanted to say, but Chan kept his mouth shut.

Those words only managed to echo in his mind as he smiled into the hug. He would never find any courage to utter those words out loud, because he knew exactly what she would reply to him after.

The first time he talked about relationship was six years ago, when they were both 15 years old.


Both of them were hanging out at the park, with Y/N sitting on one of the swings and Chan pushing her; making her swing back and forth while smiling. "Don't you think you should find a boyfriend by now? I mean, you can't keep asking me to go everywhere with you forever." Chan began to ask, interrupting the comfortable silence between them. *It's not like I'm complaining either* his mind spoke out. He could see how Y/N's smile automatically turned into a frown, as her feet stopped the swing from moving before looking up to look at him. "You do know I don't do romance. Romance and Y/L/N Y/N is not meant to be in one sentence." she replied in a sigh. "I know, but not all men are like your dad and brother. There are a lot of good guys out there, you know." Chan replies. *Like me* Chan continued in his mind. She only replied back to the statement while shaking her head and said, "I don't want to think about it. It frightens me." ending the conversation.

The second time was when they were 21, but the answer was still the same. Even after all these years, her point of view in love, relationship and romance had never changed even once.

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