u n k n o w n p l a c e

Start from the beginning

She found exactly what she thought she would. It was another decapitated head, this time her adoptive father's. (Y/N) didn't know how she didn't hurl right then and there. She found another note beside the head; this one told her to go look in the bathroom.

It wasn't long after she picked up the note that they heard the familiar siren of the emergency services. The one that came to the rescue of the unfortunate, alerting people of it's arrival with the loud and rhythmic wail.

The red and blue lights shone through the window as the sound stopped abruptly and they heard the door click from downstairs. Footsteps followed soon after and the men in uniforms scouted the whole house, searching for trouble.

"Are you kids okay in there?" A man's voice asked from the doorway of (Y/N)'s room. She recognized it instantly, it was one of the guests that used to come over for thanksgiving at their house every year. Naomasa Tsukauchi.

All (Y/N) could do was shake her head no as a startled yell came from the room across. The bathroom, the next destination. "What happened here?" The man in the bathroom muttered to himself, although his voice was so loud that it could be heard with perfect clarity in the other room.

Tsukauchi looked at (Y/N) with eyes that held an emotion she couldn't decipher, a message she couldn't read. He sighed as more people came into the room to discuss their findings.

(Y/N) drowned out the voices as she stared at the notes in her hand. The initial shock and rage had finally worn off and all she could feel was sadness. Her brain wasn't able to register it at first but she finally realized that she doesn't have a family anymore. They're dead. Gone.

And yet, no tears fell out.

She couldn't will any tears to come out so all she did was stare at the note, a hollow feeling in her chest. A hand patted her shoulder and she stared into the pitying eyes of an unfamiliar man who handled her like she was made of glass.

Fragile and about to break to any second.

In a sense, maybe she was. She followed the man out of the house and got into the police van with the rest of her friends. She had forgotten they were even there. She didn't want to look at them, knowing that they would have had a better day if she hadn't told them to follow her and not wanting to see the same look of pity in their eyes as well.

"My condolences," the man driving the van, Tsukauchi, said. If this was a normal family dinner or a casual encounter, she would have said something back but she just looked out the window.

What was she even supposed to reply? Of course he would condole, that's what everyone did when people died. The phrase was so overused that it didn't even feel genuine anymore.

The short drive felt agonizingly long as the silence droned on for what seemed like forever. When they finally exited the car, a gust of wind hit her face.

It was colder than she remembered but everything seemed colder now.

Waiting for them at the police station were All Might and Katsuki's mother, along with a few faces that (Y/N) hadn't seen before but given the chance, she could guess who they were. The green haired woman. For instance, should be Izuku's mother and the man that was left should be Ochaco's father.

Seeing by the way he ran to engulf the brown haired girl in a tight hug, it probably was.

She'd never experience a hug like that ever again.


Sorry I haven't updated as much???

I was kind of working on a new fic called game over where this bitch enters the bnha universe through a video game???

Anyway, I can't do sad chapters (I mean technically it's not as sad as another chapter in here that I want to write) but I hope you liked it hhh

Anyway, I can't do sad chapters (I mean technically it's not as sad as another chapter in here that I want to write) but I hope you liked it hhh

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