Order of the Olympians Chapter 27

Start from the beginning

The demigods whirled around, their veins on fire as the direction of her words sunk in. Percy wasn't really sure what he had been expecting. Ever since he had arrived at Hogwarts, he had only heard stories of Voldemort. How the dark wizard had built an army to achieve his corrupted goals, how he embodied the very essence of Dark Magic. Whatever picture he had drawn up in his mind did not compare to the man standing before them.

Tall, thin, and black-hooded, his terrible snake like face white and gaunt, his scarlet, slit-pupiled eyes staring...Lord Voldemort had appeared in the middle of the hall. (OotP) But, what was worse was the pulsing black mass swirling behind him. The heavy Darkness radiated hatred, power, and frenzied rage. The King of the Shadows backed the dark wizard and threatened to consume those who stood in their way.

"Months of preparation, months of effort...and my Death Eaters have let Harry Potter thwart me again..." (OotP) His soft delivery did not match the vehemence reflected in his eyes.

Bellatrix fell to her face behind them, "Master, I am sorry! They had me trapped!"

"Be quiet, Bella," said Voldemort dangerously. "I shall deal with you in a moment." (OotP) He turned his attention onto Harry and the three demigods who were silently waiting to see if the dark wizard would make the first move.

The slimy grin that stretched across Voldemort's pale face unsettled Percy. "I recognize you, Percy Jackson." The Son of Poseidon fought off a grimace as his name escaped the mouth of the snake. "Though I do not understand why, I remember your greatest fear. Your greatest nightmare."

He couldn't help it this time, Percy flinched at the memory of his time under Erebus' spell. It would make sense that Voldemort would have access to this, as the being who spoke it into being had latched itself onto the dark wizard.

But...Voldemort didn't understand why.

He didn't know.

Percy couldn't help the sharp laugh that earned him nervous looks from his friends. "You wouldn't. Understand it, that is."

Voldemort's scarlet eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by that, you useless child?"

"You wouldn't understand how you know what my living nightmare is because you are nothing but a puppet!" He spat the words out with venom.

A jet of green light flew towards them, but Percy was ready with a powerful shield. At the force of the blow, it flickered, but stood strong. "I am nobody's puppet!"

Percy brought his free hand forward and capitalized on the familiar pull in his stomach, calling to his element resting in the nearby fountain. A rumble shook the room, and a wave of water enveloped itself around the dark wizard. He dropped his shield, pushed Harry toppling towards Nico, and dove out of the way as a hissing whip of fire broke free of it's watery prison and flung itself towards Percy.

He seized the mountain of water around him and created six fluid tentacles, each thrashing out in either attack or defense as Voldemort turned to give him all of his attention. "What kind of magic is this!?" He howled. A flash of green shattered two of Percy's extensions.

"You could never understand. Your master only lets you see what he wants you to see!" Percy answered hotly, whipping out a jet of water towards his enemy. Voldemort deflected it easily and continued to bombard Percy with powerful spells. After several minutes of the back and forth, Percy was running out of energy to keep up.

"I have no master! I am the greatest wizard this world has ever known!" The snake bellowed, pouring his hatred of Percy's comments into his attacks.

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