When You Go Through The Portal (Tony x Kat)

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that a bit mean?" Kat laughed.

"But true." Tony retorted.

"Fair." She nodded, returning her attention back to the movie. Tony sighed, he was the scared one, she was the oblivious one. The ironic movie duo was happening right here and now. Suddenly, Tony felt Kat adjust to have herself slightly leaning into Tony. He sighed again. If only I could tell her. He thought to himself.

They sat like this until the end of the movie, until the part where the couple finally got together. Kat squealed again, jumping up in excitement, accidentally smacking Tony in the face. Though the slap stung, Tony couldn't contain a little chuckle. Kat immediately turned to him, her face red with embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry Tony! I didn't mean to hit you! Are you okay?" She was flustered.

"I'm fine, I'm fine Kat. I'm okay. Calm down. You are fine. It doesn't even hurt too much." He said, trying to calm her down. Tony looked around and saw that everyone was focused on the two of them instead of the last few minutes of the movie, and he turned red as well.

Tony turning red causes Kat to look around for the reason. When she saw everyone watching, she became terrified, and, finding no nearby hiding spot other than under her chair, which would have been a poor hiding space anyways, she covered her face with her hands. She tried not to cry in embarrassment.

As she was barreling the tears back, she felt a blanket come over her head and immediately began to relax.

Tony had taken the blanket he had had wrapped around him for warmth and put it over Kat's head. He knew she felt safer in a small, confined, dark place then out in the open, so he hoped this would help.

When Kat had seen them all watching, everyone felt really bad. They loved watching Tony and Kat being cute, but they hated making Kat feel bad. When Tony had put the blanket over Kat, Cookie took charge, knowing the two would need a minute alone. The movie was at its credit part now, so Cookie waved to the rest of the group to follow her out of the room, letting Kat and Tony have some alone time. Though everyone wanted to watch them be cute, they also didn't want for them to feel bad, so they followed Cookie out of the room.

Tony wrapped his arm around Kat again. "They all left, you can come out now." He whispered as Christmas credits music played softly in the background.

Kat lifted a part of the blanket off of her head, causing the blanket to go behind her, still giving her some protection as it stayed wrapped around her shoulders, like Tony's arm. Kat looked at Tony with tears in her eyes and immediately fell forward into him, wrapping her arms around him and letting his shirt wipe her tears away.

Tony sat stunned for a moment before wrapping his other arm around her, competing the hug. He rubbed her back gently to help calm her. As he did so her breathing became less sharp and more relaxed, her body also became less stiff and more relaxed. She melted into his arms like a chocolate candy bar melts in one's mouth. Eventually the tears stopped coming and Kat looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his face gave away his concern for her, not that he would ever try to hide it. She had a way of finding his emotions just as Cookie could sniff out a chocolate cookie from over a mile away.

"It just tha-that," She sniffled And burrowed her head back into his chest. "Everyone was watching us, and I hate it when people just watch me by myself, but they were watching us!"

"Why is them watching the two of us worse?" He asked, thinking it would be better as the attention would be split fifty fifty. Surely being watched in a group, or even a pair would be better than being watched by yourself if you were an introvert, right? He kept one hand tightly around her so she would feel safer, and the other hand he moved to gently run through her hair, stroking it as if he was stroking a cat, well he was, he was stroking a Kat.

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