chapter 17: UNAVOIDABLE

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It has been three wonderful weeks since Luca was released from prison. I haven't seen him since and I am happy to say that I have never been more on form. My uni work is flourishing. My teacher thinks my work has become so much more versatile and empathetic now that I have experienced working in a prison. Apparently I have a new outlook on criminals, which I don't. But I don't think any petty shoplifter could match up to Luca. 

I haven't seen Sebastian either. A few days after Luca was released her text me, saying: I know I may have led you on, but I don't think I can see you. Luca would murder me and I just don't think you belong in the criminal world. All the best, Sebastian.

In a way, that text message was a sigh of relief. I have completely cut ties will all members of KM17, but I did quite like the attention they gave me, I suppose. 

Right now, I am in the Uni library, catching up on some Social Conformity wider reading. It feels so good to get my life back in shape. 

I look over to the other side of the library, to see Will. A person who I have always sort of fancied. I guess it's his sense of humour more than anything. 

I give him a shy smile and he smiles back, coming over to where I'm sat.

"Hiya, Izzy. I haven't seen you in ages, where have you been?" He asks, I freeze as I try and think up an excuse.

"Well I was on placement up until about five weeks ago and I was just not feeling up to coming in for two weeks after that. I was completely knackered and I think I had some sort of flu for most of it." I lie through my teeth. 

"What about the last three weeks, what have you been doing then?" 

"Only catching up on what I missed." 

"Hey, listen, maybe we should go for a coffee sometime?" He requests.

"Yes, I would like that." I blush.

"Great! How about this Sunday?" 

"Sure, just text me what time, I'm free pretty much all Sunday, so."

He nods and gives me a smile before going back to his work. I look at the time on my phone to see it says '8.24PM'. It's November now so I think it's best if I get going. It's pretty dark and cold outside. Luckily, my Uni is about a half an hour walk from my house, it sounds a lot but it's fine. As long as I have my earphones in, it goes by in a flash. 

The automatic doors to the library open as I walk out into the cold night air. Gosh, it really is freezing. I could really do with a coffee right now. Get my energy up. 

I decide to stop off at Tesco on the way back which means I will have to go the long way round to my house, but it doesn't matter. I get myself some green pesto pasta and sun-dried tomatoes, a packet of crisps and some San Pellegrino fizzy water. I eat my pasta on a bench outside and the start walking again. I look again to see that not only is it now 9.14PM, but my phone is on 12% battery. I mentally slap myself because now as I decided to go on my detour to Tesco, I have to go through the dodgy area on low battery. 

I make my way up the main road which seems like a safe option, but once I get to the top, I have to turn into a very dodgy area. Why did I not learn how to drive when I had the chance?

I cautiously walk along the pavement, a few flickering street lights being my only source of light. Occasionally, a car with head lights will drive past but it doesn't put my mind at ease, if anything, it makes me more scared. 

I hear another car's engine coming up the road but it seems to be slowing down. My hands are shaking with fear but I decide to keep my eyes forward. Maybe I should put my earphones in to calm myself down? 

I reach into my bag to get them out. Suddenly, before I can retrieve my earphones, a hand grabs my wrist and turns my body around. I am faced by two burly, butch men. They look in their late twenties, they have very piercing eyes and black thick hair. Before I can say anything, one puts his hand over my mouth and the other roughly drags me out to the car. I start to scream, but it only comes out muffled.

As soon as I am thrown into the car, I immediately start kicking and screaming. The men pay no attention and just drive.

"Who are you?" I shout.

"Finally, you've stopped winging like a baby." The one in the passenger seat grumbles.

"Who are you?!" I shout louder.

"We work for KM17. I think you can figure out why you're here."

Shit. Luca. All those text messages he sent me. First he sent me stupid stuff that I ignored, and he got irritated that I didn't answer, so the messages got a bit more sincere, but I still didn't answer. I wanted nothing more to do with him. Looks like I will be a permanent feature in his life if he goes to these extents to see me. Oh god.

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