chapter 13:SPARK

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I waited for three hours for Sebastian to turn up last night. I was sat there, terrified that he would attack me again. I felt so vulnerable and scared. Like I did when I first was put into this situation. I was literally in the same position: sat on my window ledge, reading about Luca and his crimes and just feeling petrified that my world was going to come crashing down. 

Speaking of Luca's past crimes, I found out last night that there is literally no detail about his crimes other than warnings to other people saying that you should stay away from him. So I looked up his gang,'KM17' to find out what I already knew: they are a drug trafficking gang known universally for their threats and power. 

Today is my last day working at the prison. I feel weird. I feel a sense of relief because some of the responsibility will be taken off of me seeing as I won't have inside information directly from Luca himself, seeing as he will be surrounded by guards whenever I see him. However, I feel even more wary about this whole thing. Luca has almost always made me feel secure. He himself is an unpredictable, erratic lunatic, but I know that if someone else tried to hurt me, I would be safe. 

I have always been extremely easily traumatised, as weird as that sounds. When I was little, if I saw someone get a bucket of slime tipped onto their head I would literally be disgusted for the whole day and not eat a thing. When I was older, anything to do with blood and I would faint at the mere idea of it. Nowadays, everything and anything traumatises me. My friend was talking about going to a scare fest type thing where you could sign a contract and they could literally do whatever they wanted to with you and I thought I was going to start crying. My over-sensitive mind must be absolutely fried by all the things that have gone on these past two weeks. 

First seeing that man with his fingers bent back meant I had a lot of sleepless nights. Then there was that incident where I was attacked by an escaped prisoner. Then, of course there was the whole fiasco where Luca implied that he would rape me and then Sebastian broke my wrist. I don't know how I have survived. I honestly don't.

Hopefully, today will be the first marker of a new, and better life.

I walk into the prison to see Vera looking like she is about to cry. 

"Oh, Isobel." She sniffs. "I know I don't always show it, but you have been such a valued member of the team and I think you are a truly special person." 

"Thank you, Vera. I'm actually going to miss you so much." I beam at her.

"Oh, look at us, being sentimental buggers. Let's get you to work." She clears her throat. "Interesting job for you this morning, you will be with the visitors, doing bag checks and such like." 

This is the perfect opportunity for me to know the flaws of their prison visitor system. I will of course be spending a long time in that room with Luca. 

I check the time table on the door to see that it says:

Monday: 8.30am-11.30am

Tuesday: 8.30am-11.00am

Wednesday: 9.00am-12.00pm

Thursday: 10.00am-1.00pm

Friday- 8.30am-1.30am

Saturday: 4.30pm-7.00pm

Sunday: 4.30pm-6.00pm

I'm guessing that Luca will want me in tomorrow as there is no time to waste. Tomorrow is Saturday which means I literally have the day off. Uni hours our going to be tricky though. Luca's definitely not going to allow me to prioritise university over this. Looks like I will have a very poor attendance for the next two weeks at Uni. 

I quickly take a picture and make my way to the window where all the prisoners allowed to have visitors are sat, waiting patiently. I turn to see a queue of people, mainly women, also waiting nervously. I go into the small room next door to see Mr Hewitt and his bloody metal detector. All he does is talk about how fun that thing is to use. I am about to walk through the door when a hand snakes around my waist and pulls me to the side. 

I gasp in shock to realise that it's only Luca.

"Do you have to keep grabbing me like that?" I huff, sick of being man-handled. 

"Watch your attitude when you're talking to me." He says sternly as if I am a child. "I want you to know that I am being released two weeks on Sunday. I think you can join the dots and realise that you will have to feed me the information here in the mean time." He tells me, gesturing to the visitor's window.

"Yes, I knew that." 

"Good." He puts simply, still staring at me with intent in his eyes. 

"Luca, can I ask you something?" I ask, shuffling uncomfortably. 


"You wouldn't... You would never.." I start, too nervous to carry the sentence on. 

"What is it, baby?" He asks gently. 

"You would never hurt me, would you?" I say not meeting his eyes. 

I get no answer. Just more staring. I don't know whether to take that as a 'yes' or a 'no'. 

"What is it?" I ask, referencing the staring. 

"God, you're so beautiful." He declares.

Before I can even blush at his comment, his plump, warm lips connect with mine softly. I am shocked at his actions first and my natural instinct is to pull away, but I can't. Our lips mould together perfectly and he kisses me with such care that I completely forget about his criminality or his previous comments. All that matters is us in this moment. Us sharing this moment together. 

Luca breaks the kiss by pulling away slowly. I hadn't been kissed like that ever. Not with such a connection.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He tells me, before pecking my lips and walking away. 

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