# 3 The Eve #

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Miyuki's POV:

I went to the dining room and found that Azusa was eating his breakfast. "Good morning Azusa," I waved.

"Hello...Miyu..." Azusa greeted and smiled back, a certain sadness in his eyes. ​​​​​

If you wonder why Azusa call me that it's because my name looks a bit harder for him to pronounce, so I let him call me Miyu ten years ago. 

I went to sit at my usual seat and started to eat my meal. Azusa finished first and left the dining room, leaving me alone. I finally finished my breakfast, then went to clean my dishes before going to school.

 I'm so bored, I thought to myself.

While I was cleaning some dishes, I heard someone sneaking towards me. I already knew who it was.

"I know it's you, Kou. Don't you try to scare me like the last time," I sighed, hearing someone sweatdrop behind me.

Kou chuckled nervously. "aha...sorry usagi-chan."

"You know that you can't scare me that easily!" 

"Yeah," He looked away, a small frown forming on his pale face. "I really wish this trick would've worked on you though," He mumbled.

"What did you just say?" I questioned him.

"A-ah nothing usagi-chan." 

I turned to Kou after finished my things. "Let's go, Kou, before Ruki punishes us for being late." Kou nodded in agreement. 

We went to the limousine - because why not - and saw that Ruki and Yuma were already in it. 

"What took you so long?" Ruki asked, closing his book. "Uhm...home chores?" I answered somewhat nervously, hoping my lie wasn't too obvious.

"Tch, whatever," Yuma grumbled and looked away. I went to sit beside Azusa and Kou while Ruki sat in front of me. Yuma was sat beside Ruki facing Azusa. After we sat down, the limousine started to drive to night school. 

Why did I feel awkward in here?, I thought. 

Looking around, I saw everyone was quiet until someone spoke up, "Usagi-chan, I can't wait to go to school with you," he smiled.

"Really? Me too! Since it's my first time going to night school-" I said, being cut off by Ruki. "It's because you didn't come to school, since we didn't let you until now," he explained to me simply.

Well he's right actually. I've never gone to school since I came to be with them, due to the problem caused by the school and other personal stuff - until now. I looked down nervously since it's my first day of school, mind racing with worst cast scenarios.

After a while, we heard some crash not far away from us. It sounds like it was bad... We stopped the limousine and went to the voice. We ended up standing on a hill the car accident happening under it. 

"What happened?" Kou asked.

"It seems like someone planned this," Ruki said while looking down at the incident. I went to take a look. It seemed like another limousine, same as ours, had crashed into the tree and exploded, releasing thick smoke. I saw beside the fire were six males and one girl, all talking. 

"It looks like they are wearing same uniform as us," I observed, staring at them.

The other nodded. The fedora guy said something to them and they went to look at us which make me suprised. Did they think that we did that? Their glaring was kind of creeping me out. The Red head guy stepped forward. 

"Alright, who are you?" he asked while glaring at us suspiciously.

I narrowed my eyes at them. They should not glare at us like that without any proof. I then saw a blonde hair girl standing besides them take a clear look at us.

Is she... 

Azusa nodded at me. 

Okay, wait. Did he just read my mind? 

Ruki and the others stared back at them with some unpleased looks.

"Eve," Ruki said which makes the girl widen her eyes, surprised by what he had said.

The wind blowed the smoke towards us and we wanted to leave right then.

"Hey!" the red head guy shouted, but it was too late, since we already left. 

"Did they seriously think that it was us?" Yuma narrowed his eyes at the floor. I nodded in agreement.

"maybe...they...misunderstood...us..." Azusa said softly, looking down as always.

"Don't mind them." Ruki huffed, shutting them up. I was lost in my thoughts and I kept wondering that she is the person we've been looking for. Later on, I fell back to reality.

"Are they vampires?" I asked Ruki. "It seems like a yes to me," Kou said scratching his neck.

I nodded, dissapointed that Ruki hadn't answer my question.

"Ruki?" I asked. "Hm?" "Did she-" he cut me off, "Yes she is." After hearing Ruki's answer I started to smirk as my thought was right.

"I can't wait to meet her again," I said as we went back to the limousine and continued to our way to the night school.

Author's note:

Hi for all reader-chan.  Sorry for not updating for a long time. I have some very long busy life to handle with so please don't mad at me o_O

The Author chan out

Next chapter: Kidnapped

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