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Mya's POV

I decided to take a nap after my episode which took me a while to do since I was scared of it happening again.Anyways I'm awake now currently eating some hospital chicken tenders and surprisingly the hospital chicken tenders are actually good.They were really good and had a nice crunch to them.

I sat my food down taking a sip of my juice swallowing the pill they give me.My cardiologist had ran some test and it turn out I have an irregular heart and asthma.Which was hard for me to take in all at once.To clear my mind she let me walk around my room just as long as I had all these cords and machines hook up to me.

One machines was my heart monitor and the other was for my blood pressure-for my asthma they just give me and inhaler to carry around with me.Even tho my arms were sore I was ok with the whole walking around with machines thing.But the whole irregular heart I didn't know how to feel about it or how this would affect my everyday life.

And to be honest it scared me

The asthma thing isn't as bad and I feel like I can adopt to it easier then the heart.I sighed as I sat my food down on my bed side before getting up for the bathroom with the machines following behind making my mom jump up.

She's been watching my every move since my whole thing.It's making me kinda sad seeing her stress like this.Especially when I know it's me that's stressing her out.

"Mya you ok"she asked sounding worried

My mom shouldn't have to worry about me what so ever.But then again she's a mom and that's what moms do."Yeah I just have to use the bathroom"I said standing on my two feet now.She nodded before speaking "oh ok I thought you fell off your bed or something"she said holding her chest.

"Mom I need you to calm down before you have to be in one of these beds over freaking out and me and you both know that not something we want"I said making her chuckle lighting the mood.

"You play too much child"she said gently hitting my hand that didn't have my IV in it.

I shook my head laughing before I walked into the bathroom making the lights automatically come on.
I walk to the toilet and sat down before doing my business.I stared at the wall wondering where Sean was and how he's doing?

Maybe I can asked my cardiologist if I can see him since I can walked around now.Hopefully she let's me.I shook the thought to the back of my head as I finish up.Cleaning myself up and flushed the toilet then got up to wash my hands.I walked out the bathroom as the machines followed behind me.Out of the corner of my eye I saw both my parents cuddling with a cover from home.

When did dad get here?

"Dad when did you get here"I asked confusedly.I was only in the bathroom for like 20 seconds.He shook his head "Yeah I had to drop Asia off at daycare and get you some clothes to wear so you could shower".
Before I could respond someone open the door making me and my parents turn our head.

It was my cardiologist

"How do you feel"she asked closing the door behind her. "I feel okay"I said watching her as apply hand sanitizer to her hands.

"That's good,that good"she said pulling out a blood pressure cup from the cabinet.She wrapped it around my arm and started to pump it making it tighter."Dr.Grey do you think it's possible to go see other person in the hospital"I asked catching her attention.

She paused for a second before speaking "I don't see why not I'll have to give you a visitor pass"she said smiling.I returned the smile as a wave of happiness and relief came over me.

I'm finally gonna see Sean

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