Always there when I need you...

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(Tini looks everywhere)

Tini (thinking): Oh, where could he be???

(She turns around and sees him in the park by a big water fountain)

Tini (thinking): There he is! What is he doing!?

(Tini walks over to Jorge who paces back and forth looking down with anger)

Tini: Jorge?...

(Jorge stops walking and turns to face Tini... He lets out a breathe and relaxes)

Jorge: Tini... W-why are you here?

Tini: After you stormed out of the hospital, I left to come look for you... I found you.

(Jorge slightly grins as Tini walks over to him)

Tini: you can talk to me.

(Jorge remains silent, gazing at Tini as she steps closer)

Tini: Don't you want to talk about why you're angry?

Jorge: No... (He says staring into Tini's eyes)

Tini: oh c'mon

(Jorge shakes his head and smiles slightly)

Tini: Then... What did I come here to find you for? (She laughs nervously looking down)

(Jorge takes a step closer to Tini and she looks up at him.)

Jorge: Maybe this.

(He leans into her face, holding the back of her neck with his strong hands and kisses her passionately! Tini's eyes, which are wide open from shock, slowly begin to close... But not in time, as she pulls away)

Tini: Why did you just do that?! (She asks a little angrily and confused)

Jorge: ... I don't know.

Tini: It's wrong...

Jorge: It didn't feel wrong... Did it?

Tini: N-... Yes it did!

(Jorge sighs and walks away to sit at a nearby bench)

Tini: Jorge! Don't just walk away! Talk to me!

Jorge: Stephie told me we were gonna wait to check the gender of the baby! She then went to the doctors, without telling me, and got an ultrasound test!

Tini: Jorge, you shouldn't be mad at her just because she was curious... She must have had a good reason... What matters is that both of you now know the gender of your-

Jorge: No but that's not the point! Stephie's always lying to me and fighting with me and she doesn't even care about my take!! I'm starting to regret dating her in the first place!

Tini: But if you wanted a break from Stephie, why did you have to kiss me?!

Jorge: Because you help me!

Tini: Help you... what...

Jorge: I-I can't explain it... But you understand me... And...

(Tini gazes into his eyes and smiles)

Jorge: ...I need you.

(Tini lets out a huge breathe as she listens to Jorge's sweet words)

Jorge: I always needed you, still do... And whenever I need you, you are always there for some reason... (he holds her hands tightly)

Tini (blushes): I guess I just...

Jorge: Feel the same way about me?

Tini: Jorge, I...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now