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Tini: Um okay... Well I can wait outside if you want me to...

Jorge: Please...

Tini: okay

(She smiles sadly at Stephie and walks out shutting the door)

Tini (thinking): That was intense... I wonder how Stephie got an ultrasound already??

(Just then, Lodo, Diego, Clari and Ruggero see Tini)

Lodo: Hey Tini! Is this the room where Stephie is in?

Tini: Yeah but she and Jorge are talking alone for a while...

Lodo: oh Why?

Tini: Because she's explaining how she knows the babies' gender... Apparently she went to the doctor and found out she was having a girl...

Clari: Oh a girl? Wow.

Lodo: But how? She's only like a month pregnant...

(Tini shrugs and everyone starts to sit down on some seats outside the hospital room. Lodo goes over next to the door and leans her ear towards the door to eavesdrop)


(Stephie sighs as Jorge stares into her eyes with a serious expression)

Jorge: Go ahead. Tell me.

Stephie: Jorge... I...

(Stephie's hands shake nervously)

Stephie: I don't know if it is a girl! I was just saying that... I wasn't thinking... I want it to be a girl though.

Jorge: Stephie, how is that an explanation?!

Stephie: Jorge, I know you're mad but-

Jorge: Stephie! I-I'm more than mad! I'm angry and confused and... I feel like I can't trust you! Like you always lie to me!

Stephie: I don't! You can trust me! Okay listen, I will explain... I don't know how I got an ultrasound so quickly but I did...

Jorge: I don't care that you somehow managed to get it early!!! I care that you lied to me! Why would you go check the gender when you were the one who told me that YOU wanted to WAIT until after the birth!

Stephie: Because... I-I was too anxious to know!!

Jorge: Argh Stephie!

(Jorge clenches his fist and gets up angrily)

Stephie: Jorge! Where are you going?!

Jorge: Away from you for a while!


(He storms out of the room and out of the hospital)


(Lodo, Ruggero, Diego, Clari and Tini all get up from their seats and watch as Jorge speeds past them with anger in his eyes)

Lodo (thinking): Wow, I heard all of what Jorge and Stephie said... I'm just still shocked that Stephie knows the gender already when she's only a month pregnant... Something doesn't feel right... It seems like Stephie has another secret she is hiding...

Ruggero: Jorge, wait! Where are you going?!

(He tries to call over Jorge but he's already gone)

Diego: That's strange of Jorge...

Clara: C'mon everyone, we should go check on Stephie now.

(They gather into the room, Clari peeks out of the room at Tini who is still in the hallway)

Clara: You coming, Tini?

Tini: No... Erm, I have already gave her flowers and greeted her... I should go check on Jorge...

Clara: Okay, see you.

(Tini waves bye and runs out of the hospital in search of Jorge)


Should I update double today?🙊


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now