Pool Party

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*a month later they are shooting an episode of Violetta 3*

(Director gives Martina and Jorge new scripts for the next episode)

Director: I am expecting a lot of passion this time! Put all your emotion into the next episode.

(Tini reads the script and laughs)

Tini: uh okay? (She says awkwardly)

(She has to kiss Jorge in the next scene and it has to be long)

Jorge: Got it. (Says Jorge closing the script booklet with a serious expression)

Tini (thinking to herself): ugh he is so professional... Everything must be so easy for him... But for me it's a big deal.

Director: You two need to work together to create a beautiful scene! All the fans want Leonetta so you have to own the scene and give them what they want! I want to see a lot of chemistry!

(He walks away and Jorge and I look at each other)

Jorge: uhh

(I laugh and start to walk away)

Jorge: Where are you going?

Tini: oh... To get coffee...

Jorge: Shouldn't we practice?

Tini: together? (She says suspiciously.)

Jorge: yeah i mean the director said this scene has to have a lot of emotion.

(Usually Tini and Jorge practice their scenes alone and when they kiss it means nothing to them. How is Tini going to kiss Jorge with it meaning something for the first time?)

Tini: we don't have to... Just put as much emotion as you would If I was your girlfriend.

(Jorge looks confused and then sighs)

Jorge: okay... That's not a bad idea

(Tini walks away again but jorge follows her)

Jorge: I need coffee too. Let's go to starbucks!

Tini: okay (says tini laughing)


(They go to starbucks and see Lodo with Cande there)

Lodo: Hey you guys!

Tini: hey Lodo! Hey cande!

(We sit with them and drink our coffee)

Cande: So how is your shooting going?

Jorge: It's pretty good (he says smiling at Tini)

Tini: ya.. It's great... (Says tini blushing)


(Tini heads home after coffee and practices her lines.)


*the next day*

(Lodo calls Tini)

Lodo: Tini! Come over today! I'm throwing a pool party!

Tini: uh okay!

(Tini goes over to Lodo's house and is early)

Tini: I brought some food

Lodo: Thank you so much!

(Tini puts the chips and soda on the table)

Lodo: let's go change!

(Lodo changes into a black bikini and Tini changes into a fuchsia one)

Lodo: that is adorable! Where did you get it?

Tini: Forever 21!

Lodo: ooh...

(They set up the tables and Cande comes wearing a blue swimsuit with a big sunhat)

Lodo: Hey Cande! love the outfit!

Tini: Cande you look so pretty!

Cande: Thanks girls!


*After a while people start coming. It isn't a big party just a bunch of friends and cast from Violetta 3.*

(Tini, Lodo and Cande start the fun! They all hold hands and jump into Lodo's pool!)

Lodo: That was fun!

Tini: I know!

(Facu and Ruggero cannonball in the pool splashing the girls as they shriek!)

Ruggero: Hello Ladies!

(Ruggero swims over to Lodo, Tini and Cande and tries to impress them with his back float.)

Tini: wow Ruggero, you're a champion ( she says sarcastically)


(Everyone is having fun in the pool. Lodo has a gigantic pool so everyone is able to swim and enjoy.)

Tini: I will be right back.

(Tini gets out of the pool and goes over to the snack bar)

Jorge: Uh hey

(Tini turns around to see a shirtless Jorge and almost shrieks.)

Tini: Hi (says Tini quickly turning back around)

(Tini smiles and puts some chips on her plate)

Jorge: So... how are you?

(Tini turns toward him and tries to only look at his face)

Tini: I'm great (she says with her eyes wide open)

(Jorge laughs and grabs a soda behind Tini)

Tini: What are you...

(Jorge realizes he is really close to Tini and moves back)

Jorge: Oh sorry I was getting a soda..

Tini: Oh (tini smiles and pinches herself)

(Ruggero calls over Jorge. Tini realizes Jorge is not even wet at all)

Tini: You should swim Jorge!

Jorge (shouting to Ruggero) : Ruggero, in a minute!

(Tini smiles when she sees that Jorge makes Ruggero wait to talk to her)

Jorge: Nahh I don't really want to right now (he says leaning against the table)

Tini: are you kidding me?! ( she says putting down her plate)

Jorge: What?

Tini: It's a pool party Jorge! Have a little fun!

Jorge: I guess...

Tini: Listen Jorge, you get in that pool right now or else-

Jorge: or else what (he says smirking at Tini)

Tini: oh, You asked for it!

(Tini pushes Jorge into the water and everyone laughs!)

Lodo: whoo! Go Tini!

Ruggero: good job Tini!

(Jorge emerges from the water and glares at Tini. Tini just laughs and waves at him which makes him smile)

Jorge: okay okay... Can i get out now?

Tini: Whatever you say (she holds out a hand for Jorge so that he can get out)

(Jorge smirks at Tini and pulls her in)

Lodo: Haha Tini got tricked!

Ruggero: Damn jorge!

(Everyone laughs yet again as they stare at the pair)

Lodo(whispering to Ruggero): Do you ship Jortini?

Ruggero(whispering to Lodo): Yup.

(They quietly high five as Tini and Jorge splash each other in the water.)


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now