Date Scene

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*On the way to the set of Violetta 3*

(Martina re-reads the script in the car for the last time. She feels confident and knows her lines. Today she was going to film a romantic scene with Jorge... She hopes it isn't going to be too awkward. Her scenes with Jorge are usually pretty awkward since they are just friends...)

Bodyguard: We are here!

(Tini gets out of the car and walks to the set. She is relieved that there are not as much paparazzi anymore)

Bodyguard: Looks like some fans found you

(Tini turns around and sees a small group of girls screaming for her to sign an autograph)

Bodyguard: Tini are you sure you are going to be okay?

Tini: I will be fine Mario.

(She walks over to them and they cheer louder.)

Tini: Hello!

(She waves and they cry her name)

Tini please sign my shirt!

Martina I love you!

Tini! Can I take a picture with you?!

(Tini walks over smiling and signs some autographs she turns around and walks towards the set but a girl follows her crying)

Girl: Hello? Uhm... Tini... I'm sorry to bother you but will you please sign my cd?

Tini: Oh! Of course!

(She hands Tini the cd of "Cantar es lo que soy" and Tini takes out her sharpie)

Tini: What is your name?

Girl: It's Madison

Tini: Oh what a beautiful name!

Madison: Thank you!

(Tini signs her cd and gives it to her)

Madison: Tini I love you so much you have no idea! And i want you to know I will always support you no matter what! I totally get that you had some personal problems and I don't think you lied to us you just made a mistake!

Tini: Thank you that... Means a lot...

Madison: No problem! I'm like your #1 fan! I just love you so much

Tini: Thank you for supporting me! I love you too! Do you have a twitter?

Madison: Yes!

(Tini gets out her phone and follows her on twitter)

Madison: Thank you! I am so happy right now!

Tini: Your welcome! I have to go but thanks for all your support.

Madison: Bye Tini!

(Madison runs off back to her group of friends and Tini goes on set)


Jorge: Hey tini where were you?

Tini: I was talking to some really sweet fan. Oh and signing autographs and such.

Jorge: That's neat. Anyways let's go.

(They get on set and start shooting)


(Tini gets off set to watch the scene between Jorge and another girl)

Lodo(whispering): So are you ready for your date scene?

(She smirks and Tini laughs)

Tini: Yeah. I practiced a lot of the lines so I know I have it down.

Lodo: Ooh of course you do. (She winks)

(Tini rolls her eyes and then looks at Jorge and suddenly feels nervous... Why was she feeling this way? She never felt this way about a Leon and Vilu scene before. She thought about it and shook her head. No, it can't be... She can't have feelings for Jorge could she? It doesn't matter to her though because Jorge is in love with Stephie and she is going to come back)


Violetta: I love you Leon.

Leon: I love you too... Way more.

(Leon smiles and touches her arm as he leans in to kiss Vilu.

In the inside, Tini is feeling all sorts of weird emotions all around her as Jorge stares at her. She notices things she never noticed before. For example, when Jorge smiles with his dimples it makes herself smile and she just now notices the amazing color of his eyes. Tini has butterflies in her stomach and admits to herself that she has a crush on Jorge!)

Alex: Leon!

Leon: Alex? What are you doing here!

Alex: we have to go back to the studio it's an emergency!!! Sorry Vilu..

Violetta: ........


Director: Cut!

Tini: Sorry can we start over?

Director : okay! Just don't forget the next line!

(Tini looks at Lodo who smirks at her)

Lodo: I thought you had it down... (She says suspiciously)

Tini: Yeah... It's just....

Lodo: Did you do that on purpose so you and Jorge could start the scene over?

Tini: No! Lodo stop saying that!

(Lodo laughs and moves away)


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now