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*A week later*


(They're Filming Violetta outside in the cold and snowflakes are falling all over Tini... She can barely say her lines with a mouth full of snowflakes!)

Violetta: Leon? What's wrong...

Leon: I-I... (He hesitates then puts his head in his hands)

Leon: sorry-


Director: Cut! Jorge what happened??

Jorge: Nothing... Just forgot my lines...

Director: For the fourth time?

Jorge: yes

Director: you usually don't forget this much... Why don't you take a break?

Jorge: Thanks

(Director calls for a break and Martina goes over to Jorge to see what's wrong)

Martina: Jorge, are you okay?

Jorge: Yeah...

Martina: is it the snow outside that is making you cold?

Jorge: no... I got a scarf and a jacket... Im okay

Martina: You can tell me what's wrong...

Jorge: it's okay... Really... I'm gonna be fine...

Martina: is it... Stephie?

Jorge: uhm yeah...

Martina: jorge... I know you miss her... But she's going to come back and-

Jorge: She called me at the airport and admitted that she went to mexico not just for her family but because she also wanted a break in our relationship...

(Tini looked shocked.)

Martina: ....she broke up with you?

Jorge: No... Well i don't know... She wanted a break...

Martina: oh... I'm so sorry...

Jorge: it's okay tini... I shouldn't be putting this on you! Thanks for trying to help me...

Martina: your welcome... I could help you not forget your lines if you want...

Jorge: Sure, why don't you come by my house at 8 again.

Martina: Okay (she smiles)

(Martina has never been at Jorge's house while Stephie isn't there...what could happen?)



Question: What do you think will happen at Jorge's house?


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now