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The beginning-

It was a dark and kinda salty evening. Charlie and his dad Charles were fishing at some crappy pier in Rumson, New Jersey when Charlies dad yelled at his son. " GRAB THE ROD SON" " Dad i think thats highly inappropriate!" he gasped. " THE FISHING ROD YOU DINGUS!!!"

After that embarrassing misunderstanding Charlie grabbed the fishing rod and started pulling. After about 30 second he saw a the tip of dark blue almost grey nose that reminded him of his own. His dad then kicked him out of the way and continued to pull until the, what turned out to be a shark was dangling about 5 feet above the water and about 7 feet from the pier. The shark was young only about 9 about the same age as Charlie.

" Dad you have to let him go! He just a kid" Charlie told his father who was trying to pull up the large resisting fish. " DAD STOP IT" he screamed after noticing how abnormally cute and frightened he was. Charlie then picked up the blue pool net the Puths used for fishing and whacked his dad in the shins.

Charlie did sure get a beating that night but it as worth it for the strong, adorable shark Charlie vowed to protect. And Lenny was his name. Lenny The Shark.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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